
Les protestants de strasbourg, sous la monarchie francaise : de 1681 a la veille de la revolution : une communaute religieuse distincte ?

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1997




Abstract EN:

After strasbourg was attached to france, the protestant community suffered at the hands of both the royal and catholic authorities who wanted to curb their freedom of conscience which had been guaranteed by the capitulation of 1681. Resistance manifested itself first of all demographically. Numbers stagnated but immigration was a constant phenomenon which was greater in some parishes (temple-neuf, st. Nicolas) than in others (st. Thomas, ste aurelie) this compensated for sporadic but genuine emigration under religious grounds, especially between 1681 and 1697. After 1770, this movement, coinciding with a rise in the birthrate, led to a renewal of the lutherian community. Intermixing between the native and immigrant population was greater than that between the various socio-legal categories of the town. Intermarriage was a characteristic of the parishes on the outskirts of the town where the social and professional structure was specific (market-gardeners in the parish of ste aurelie, boatmen and gardeners in the parish of st. Guillaume). Resistance to dogma especially between 1682 and 1688 was also to be observed, where lutherian theologians had to react to the jesuit onslaught. Observance of a well defined doctrine, repression of any deviation to the doctrine, for example, the pietists, resistance to the enlightened ("lumieres"). Orthodoxy was perpetuated in the church in strasbourg far longer than anywhere else. The supervisory body of the church was reliable thus preventing any challenge to the rules governing the faith. The "oberkirchenpfleger" (representing the doctors of the church and effectively in charge of the church) and the "kirchenpfleger" (secular commissioners in charge of the parishes) controlled beliefs, the lives of the faithful, and kept a close watch on the pastoral body which was recruited locally among cultivated and disciplined people. They overshadowed the "convent ecclesiastique" (the ecclesiastic assemblies). Religious practice is genuine, delinquency is uncommon, and there are no illegitimate births. On the other hand, the lutherians are wary of the reformed church, hardly tolerating their members and obliging them to practise their religion in wolfisheim. Although mixed marriages between lutherians and members of the reformed church are allowed, the children must be brought up in the lutherian faith. Conversions to catholicism are

Abstract FR:

Apres le rattachement de strasbourg a la france, les protestants subissent un double assaut de la part des autorites royales et catholiques qui veulent restreindre des 1682/1683 leur liberte de conscience garantie par la capitulation de 1681. La resistance se manifeste d'abord au plan demographique. Les effectifs stagnent mais l'immigration est un phenomene constant plus important dans certaines paroisses (temple-neuf, st nicolas) que dans d'autres (st thomas, ste aurelie). Elle permet de compenser l'emigration pour raisons religieuses sporadique mais reelle, surtout entre 1681 et 1697. Apres 1770, ce mouvement coincidant avec une reprise de la natalite engendre le renouvellement de la communaute lutherienne. Le brassage entre population autochtone et population immigree est plus considerable que celui entre les differentes categories socio-juridiques de la ville. L'endogamie caracterise les paroisses peripheriques a structure socio-professionnelle specifique (maraichers de ste aurelie ; bateliers et jardiniers de st guillaume). La resistance a lieu aussi sur le plan dogmatique, surtout entre 1682 et 1688, ou les theologiens lutheriens devaient repondre a l'offensive des jesuites. Il fallait s'en tenir a une doctrine bien definie, reprimer les deviants tels que les pietistes, resister aux lumieres. L'orthodoxie demeure en place dans l'eglise de strasbourg plus longtemps qu'ailleurs. L'encadrement est solide pour eviter la remise en cause du statut de la religion. Les oberkirchenpfleger (representants du magistrat et charges de la direction effective de l'eglise) et les kirchenpfleger (surveillants laics charges des paroisses) ont controle les croyances, la vie des fideles et surveille de pres le corps pastoral de recrutement autochtone, cultive et discipline. Ils ont pris l'ascendant sur le convent ecclesiastique (assemblee des pasteurs). La pratique religieuse est reelle ; il y a peu d'ecarts de conduite, peu de naissances illegitimes. Par contre, ces derniers se mefient des reformes, les tolerent a peine et les obligent longtemps a pratiquer leur culte a wolfisheim. Si les mariages mixtes entre reformes et lutheriens sont autorises, les enfants doivent etres eleves dans la foi lutherienne. Les conversions au catholicisme sont rares, malgre les efforts des jesuites. Elles sont avant tout le fait des gens de passage et des nouveaux arrivants. Elles paraissen