Réforme, contre-réforme et reformation catholique dans le boulonnais, 1550-1713
Lille 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
As a frontier province situated in the north-west of the kingdom of france, the seneschalsy of boulogne was very close to the protestant england and to the flemish and artois territories belonging to the spanish. Around 1550, boulogne and its surroundings became the center of a new diocese which was created after the former diocese of therouanne had been destroyed by the spanish. In the second half of the sixteenth century, protestants and catholics were both anxious to get in control of boulogne harbour and of the region. In the seventeenth century, a small protestant community still existed (it will survive until the revocation of the edict of nantes in 1685) and the bishops of boulogne were aware a catholic reform was necessary. They wanted to improve the state of the clergy so that the priests were more easily able to control the religious practices of their congregations by laying stress on the religious instruction. This catholic reform was marked by the spirit of "l'ecole francaise de spiritualite", the main representatives of which were the cardinal berulle, the oratoriens and saint vincent de paul. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, a jansenist crisis broke out in the region of boulogne, showing that the catholic reformation had been a success in this region.
Abstract FR:
La senechaussee de boulogne, province frontiere au nord-ouest du royaume de france, est au contact de l'angleterre protestante et des territoires flamands et artesiens de l'espagne catholique. Vers 1550, le boulonnais se retrouve au coeur d'un nouveau diocese qui nait au lendemain de la destruction de l'ancien diocese de therouanne par les espagnols. La seconde moitie du xvieme siecle voit l'affrontement des catholiques et des protestants, chacun cherchant a controler le port de boulogne et sa region. Au xviieme siecle, face a une petite eglise reformee (qui survit en boulonnais jusqu'a la revocation de l'edit de nantes en 1685), se developpe sous l'impulsion des eveques de boulogne, une reforme catholique qui, par une amelioration de l'etat de clericature, cherche a mieux controler la pratique religieuse du fidele en insistant, entre autre, sur la catechese. Cette reforme catholique en boulonnais est marquee par l'esprit de l'ecole francaise de spiritualite dont les principaux representants sont le cardinal berulle, les oratoriens et saint vincent de paul. Au debut du xviiieme siecle eclate en boulonnais une crise janseniste, revelateur d'une reformation catholique reussie en cette region.