Les communautes religieuses enseignantes et missionnaires a lucon aux xviie-xviiie siecles
Abstract EN:
On the coastal borders of bas-poitou, lucon, cathedral city, became an experimental field of france's catholic reneval in the xviith century. The impetus was given by richelieu who called on new congregations in his diocese. The bas-poitou became a land of missions when he favoured the settlment of the capucins and the lazaristes. Two educational communities, the ursulines and the union chretienne, contributed to the eradication of the protestant heresy and the education of the children of poitou covering two centuries, the study provides an insight into the development of these religious orders. Whereas the xviith century coincided with a quest of the absolute of god, the xviiith century went through hard times within the church. Capucins and lazarites saw their numbers shrinks, and their mission evolve. Only the two congregations of sisters resisted the crises of the xviiith century. More, their importance kept growing. The education of the provincial elites supplied them with pupils and novices. As regulators of the bequest of patrimonies, these two orders enjoyed a rise in the number of their nuns. Born after the wars of religion, it was with the revolution that these communities disappeared for good from lucon.
Abstract FR:
Aux confins maritimes du bas-poitou, lucon, ville episcopale, devient au xviie siecle un champ d'experimentation du renouveau catholique en france. L'impulsion est donnee par richelieu qui fait appel dans son diocese a de nouvelles congregations. Le bas-poitou devient terre de mission lorsqu'il favorise l'implantation des capucins et des lazaristes. Deux communautes educatives, les ursulines et l'union chretienne, contribuent a l'eradication de l'heresie protestante et a la formation de la jeunesse poitevine. Menee sur deux siecles, cette etude permet de mieux cerner l'evolution de ces ordres religieux. Si le xviie siecle coincide avec une recherche de l'absolu de dieu, le xviiie, a l'inverse, connait des periodes difficiles au sein de l'eglise. Capucins et lazaristes voient leurs effectifs decroitre et leur mission evoluer. Seules les deux communautes feminines resistent aux crises du xviiie siecle. Bien mieux, leur importance grandit. L'education des elites provinciales leur procure eleves et novices. Regulateurs de la transmission des patrimoines, ces deux derniers ordres beneficient d'une augmentation du nombre de leurs religieuses. Nees a la suite des guerres de religion, ces communautes disparaissent definitivement, de lucon, avec la revolution.