
Les edifices religieux du departement de l'herault au xixeme siecle

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1992



Montpellier 3



Abstract EN:

In 1801 02, religious buildings in the "departement" were in a bad state of disrepair. Nearly 60% of churches that had been kept open for regular public worship were in a state of utter decrepitude; there was no protestant church left. The first part of the thesis is an outline of the general evolution, from the signing of the concordat in 1801 02 to the separation of church and state in 1905 06, taking into account relevant legislative and admi nistrative measures throughout the century and the difficulties, espe cially financial difficulties, that the various fabrics, church and local councils had to face in the pursuit of their projects for reconstruction the second part deals, at greater length, with the various events that form the backbone of this general evolution, such as building or rebuil ding of churches, improvements and alterations, heavy works to preserve the very existence of the buildings concerned. The last part is devoted to the men who carried out the actual rebuil ding, either as initiators or as planners and contractors, and insists on the relationships they entertained with one another as well as with the higher authorities of church and state.

Abstract FR:

En 1801 02, les edifices religieux du departement de l'herault se trouvaient dans un etat deplorable. Sur pres de 400 eglises encore ouvertes au culte public regulier, pres de 60% etaient en mauvais ou tres mauvais etat et la quasi totalite des temples n'existaient plus. Une premiere partie montre comment a evolue cette situation de la signature de concordat (1801 02) a la separation des eglises et de l'etat (1905 06), compte tenu des dispositions legislatives et administratives applicables, et des difficultes, notamment financieres, rencontrees par les fabriques, les consistoires et les communes dans la realisation de leurs projets. Une seconde partie est consacree a la presentation detaillee des operations qui ont marque l'evolution generale des edifices religieux au cours du siecle: constructions ou reconstructions; remaniements; travaux de gros entretien visant a en assurer la conservation. Une derniere partie presente les hommes qui ont pris part a la mise en oeuvre des projets aux differents niveaux administratifs et sociaux: initiateurs (fabriques, consistoires ou communes); concepteurs (architec -tes); realisateurs (entrepreneurs)- et met en lumiere les rapports qu' ils ont eu les uns avec les autres ainsi qu'avec les autorites superieures.