
Les singularites de la france equinoxiale : histoire de la mission des peres capucins en l'isle de maragnan 1612-1615

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1995



Paris, EHESS




Abstract EN:

The analysis of the conditions in which the reports of the french capuchins missionaries sent to brazil at the beginning of the 17th century were written and published, allows us to define the two operational lines of the missionary discourse. They also correspond to the criteria of space and time characteristic of travel reports: "per dela" (in the new world), alongside the missionary discourse there is an ethnological discourse before the constitution of ethnology; "par deca" (in europe), this discourse is based on the religious tradition with images and the written word being used for the dissimination of evangelical works by the missionary orders. Analysing the circulation of a series of images and texts demonstrationg the presence of native ambassadors in paris in 1613, from a cultural historic view point, we have defined certain aspects of the construction of the myth of the "convertible" tupinamba.

Abstract FR:

L'analyse des conditions d'ecriture et de publication des oeuvres des missionnaires francais charges de l'evangelisation des indiens tupinambas au debut du xviie siecle, nous a permis de definir deux axes operatoires du discours missionnaire. Ils correspondent a la fois aux criteres spatio-temporels qui sont la structure fondamentale des recits de voyage: "par dela" (dans le nouveau monde) le discours missionnaire opere parallelement a un discours "ethnologique" d'avant l'ethnologie; "par deca" (en europe), ce discours fonde son efficacite sur la tradition religieuse, l'ecriture et l'image se trouvant au service de la propagation de l'oeuvre d'evangelisation par les ordres missionnaires. A l'interieur d'une perspective de l'histoire culturelle, qui tient compte de la circulation d'une serie d'images et de textes attestant la presence a paris en 1613 des ambassadeurs indigenes, nous avons precise quelques modalites de la construction du mythe du tupinamba "convertible".