
Les historiens français qui ont écrit sur le Maghreb au Moyen âge de 1830 à 1930

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1995



Bordeaux 3



Abstract EN:

The history of north africa has essentially been writen by french historians. The manner which it has been transcrited seemed to want reflection when considering descriptions of events. For this reason, our study concernant french historical writings during one centry (1830-1930). The first step was to examine works concerning north african history during the middle ages which were published during the xviii century. The second part examines the xic century from 1830 to 1900 to illustrate our theories , we used the most representative authors of that era : masqueray, gadard, fournel, mercier. . . This study demonstrated that xix century historians were insufficiently documented and their historical interpretation was influenced by yhe ideology of the time. Futhermore, they principally emphasied the political history and events to the detriment of social and economical life. The last chapter discurses the triomphent colonial period which was marked by the creation of the university of alger in 1909. During this period, two tendencies emerged : amateurism and the university monopoly. The "indigent", having been appredded, posed nothread, and anything could be written or said about him.

Abstract FR:

L'histoire du maghreb a ete redigee essentiellement par les historiens francais. La maniere dont elle fut transcrite nous a donc paru meriter une reflexion prealable a toute description evenementielle. C'est pour cette raison que notre etude porte sur l'historiographie francaise pendant une periode d'un siecle (1830 a 1930). Notre premiere etape a ete l'examen de quelques ouvrages publies au xviii siecle concernant l'histoire musulmane du maghreb. La seconde etape interesse le xix siecle : 1830 a 1900. Pour illustrer notre propos nous nous sommes appuyes sur les auteurs les plus representatifs de l'epoque : godard, carette, fournel mercier. . . Il ressort de cette etude que les historiens du xix siecle etaient insuffisamment documentes, et que leur interpretation de l'histoire est influencee par l'ideologie de l'epoque coloniale. De plus ils favorisent une description evenemen tielle au detriment d'une etude economique et sociale. La derniere partie aborde la periode du colonialisme triomphant; marquee par la creation de l'universite d'alger en 1909. Nous assistons durant cette periode a l'emergence de deux tendances : l'amateurisme, et le monopole universitaire. L'indigene ayant ete soumis ne presente plus de danger, n'importe qui ecrit et disserte sur lui.