La representation des imazighen (berberes) antiques dans l'historiographie contemporaine
Abstract EN:
The analysis of the discourse of st gsell, the great specialist in the ancient history of the maghreb, reveals how the description of the imazighen (berberes) has suffered from interpretations depending not only on the nature and the finality of ancient sources but also on the contemporany colonisalist way of thinking. As well as the physical and psychomoral description, the study of the social, political and economic organisations of the imazighen society has suffered from the ideological distortion and from the excessive simplification. Besides, we just know a little about the imazighen history under the carthaginian and roman dominations.
Abstract FR:
L'analyse du discours de s. Gsell, l'eminent specialiste de l'histoire ancienne du maghreb, montre comment le portrait identite des imazighen (berberes) a souffert des interpretations qui dependent non seulement de la nature et de la finalite des sources anciennes, mais aussi du mode de pensee imperialiste contemporain. De meme que la description physique et psycho-morale, l'etude des formes d'organisation sociale, politique et economique de la societe imazighenne n'a echappe a la deformation ideologique et a la simplification abusive. En outre, on connait encore peu de chose quant a l'histoire des imazighen a l'epoque des dominations carthaginoise et romaine.