Le monument romain de panissars (trophees de pompee?) et le franchissement pyreneen de la voie domitienne
Montpellier 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The existence of the roman monument of panissars is closely linked to the crossing of the domitian way at the point where it penetrates the pyrenees. The ground surveys carried out between le boulou and la jonquera (spain) have enabled us to establish that the way used to branch out into a real network of parallel thorough fares (the valley of rom, the freixe valley, and the ridgeway of the cluse haute) which were all used at some time or other in ancient times. The main branch is that of the freixe valley leading to the panissars pass, that a recent discovery of an important republican monument and of of constantine's milestones, identifies in the summun pyrenaeum of the ancient texts. The monument which has been discovered at panissars would appear to date from the end of the republic but it would also seen to be later than the creation of the domitian way. Were these trophies erected by pompey at the end of the spanish war (-71) as several of the topographic, historic and historiographic details would lead us to think? the question or the monument remains: the most attactive hypothesis is that of the turret-shape trophey built just above the way.
Abstract FR:
La presence du monument romain de panissars est etroitement liee au passage de la voie dimitienne au franchissement des pyrenees. Les prospections menees sur le terrain entre le bouloi et la jonquera (espagne) ont permis d'etablir que la voie se ramifiait en un veritable reseau de cheminements paralleles (vallee de la rom, vallee de la freixe, voie de crete par la cluse haute) empruntes a un moment ou a un autre de l'antiquite. La branche principale est celle de la vallee de la freixe menant au col de panissars que la recente decouverte d'un important monument republicain et d'un milliaire de constantin identifie au summun pyrenaeum des textes antiques. Le moment mis au jour a panissars daterait de la fin de la republique mais serait posterieur a la creation de la voie domitienne. S'agit-il des trophees eleves par pompee a la fin de la guerre d'espagne (-71) comme le laisse a penser un ensemble de donnees topographiques, historiques et historiographiques ? demeure alors la question de la restitution du monument : l'hypothese la plus seduisante est celle d'un trophee turriforme bati au-dessus de la voie.