
L'etat de publius sittius et la numidie cirteenne du premier siecle avant j. -c. Au premier siecle apres j. -c

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1989



Paris 4


Abstract EN:

Coming from campania, p. Sittius was caesar's ally against the pompeians in north africa. After thapsus'victory, he and his fellows, the sittiani, received the area of cirta (constantine) as a reward : area won at the expense of juba. After his death, the julio-claudians favoured the romanization of this region to widen their influence above mauretania to the west and the steppes to the south. Home-land for a minority group installation, numidia is affected, in fact, since two centuries by a foreign penetration. This phenomenon can be observed through the linguistic, artistic, religious and economic fields. The study of the administrative organization, besides the existence of special magistratures, allows to distinguish the creation of the cirtean contributio preceding the one of the respublica quattuor coloniarum cirtensium at the dawn of the second century. The earliness of the romanization, m. Cornelius fronto's action make that this region, under the antonine, through the intermediary of cirtean men reaching the highest careers in the empire, have had an original influence.

Abstract FR:

Originaire de campanie, p. Sittius fut en afrique du nord l'allie de cesar contre les pompeiens. Apres thapsus, lui et ses compagnons, les sittiani,recurent en recompense, la region de cirta (constantine) conquise aux depens de juba. Apres sa mort, les julio-claudiens favoriserent la romanisation de la numidie cirteenne achevee sous les flaviens. La region servit de base a l'extension de l'influence romaine vers la mauretanie et les steppes du sud. Terre d'accueil pour une implantation au demeurant limitee, la numidie, subit, en fait, une penetration etrangere depuis deux siecles. On l'observe dans le domaine linguistique, culturel, artistique, religieux et economique. L'organisation administrative du territoire cirteen, outre l'existence de magistratures particulieres, revele l'existence d'une contributio cirteenne anterieure a la fondation de la respublica quattuor coloniarum a l'aube du second siecle. La precocite de la romanisation, l'action de m. Cornelius fronto font que cette region, sous le regne des antonins, par l'intermediaire de cirteens atteignant les plus hautes destinees de l'empire, a eu un rayonnement original.