
La Vénétie chrétienne au VIe siècle

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1993



Paris 4




Abstract EN:

La province de venetia et histria se transforme profondement au cours de vie siecle. L'enquete porte sur ces transformations, etudiees grace au dossier exceptionnel que fournit l'affaire dite des "trois chapitres". La condamnation a l'instigation de l'empereur justinien, de theodore de mopsueste, theodoret de cyr et ibas d'edesse declenche une grave crise entre le pape vigile et le pouvoir imperial. En 553, le pape accepte enfin de souscrire a cette condamnation, mais son successeur, pelage, se heurte a une opposition importante en italie. Derriere l'eveque d'aquilee, toutes les eglises de venetia et histria se separent de la communion romaine pendant plusieurs decennies. Chercher a comprendre l'origine de cette exceptionnelle obstination permet d'etudier plusieurs aspects politiques et culturels de cette periode pendant laquelle s'accelere la dissolution des structures traditionnelles. La premiere partie est consacree a l'etude de la venetia et histria pendant la premiere moitie du siecle, en soulignant les nombreux signes de vitalite des cites et en etudiant particulierement la situation politique de la province, surtout pendant la crise majeure de la guerre gothique. Le chapitre central est consacre a la condamnation des trois chapitres. La derniere partie etudie les eglises schismatiques et leur declin jusqu'au debut du viie siecle. Une enquete est menee sur l'utilisation critique des sources medievales, qui etudient l'histoire eclesiastique d'aquilee comme celle des origines de venise.

Abstract FR:

Dramatic changes tookplace in the roman province of venetia et histria during the sixth century. The investigation on these changes is based on the outstanding documents concerning the three chapters controversy. The sentence prononced against theodorus of mopsuestia, theodoretus of cyrrus and ibas of edessa at emeror justinian's instigation induces a severe conflict between pope vigilius and imperial authority. In 553, the pope finally accepts to suscribe to this sentence, but his successor pelagius runs into an important opposition in italy. Supporting the bishop of aquileia, all the churches of venetia et histria separate from the roman communion during several decades. Trying to understand the origin of this exceptionnal obstinacy leads to study several cultural and political aspects of this period of time, during which the traditional structures rapidely desintegrate. The first part of this thesis examines the province of venetia et histria during the first half of the century, outlining the numerous indices of vitality in the cities and particularly studying the political situation of the province during the gothic war. The central part studies the cause of the three chapters. The last one concerns the schismatic churches and their decline until the beginning of the seventh century. A special investigation is carried on the medieval documents that study the eccle ecclesiastical history of aquileia as beeing the history of the origin of venice.