
Dom gabriel gerberon moine benedictin religieux de la congregation de saint-maur 1628-1711. Introduction a sa vie et a son oeuvre suivie d'un essai d'analyse doctrinale

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1997



Paris, EPHE



Abstract EN:

1) a very detailed biography of the life of the benedictine monk dom gabriel gerberon (1628-1711) of the congregation de saint-maur. A contemporary of mabillon and editor of the opera of saint anselme, he was involved in the "jansenist" controversies concerning divine grace, and in 1682 he was obliged to flee the abbey of corbie in picardy. During his exile from france until 1703, he was the companion of arnauld and quesnel. He was arrested on the orders of philip v of spain and was handed over to the police of louis xiv and imprisoned successively at malines, amiens and vincennes. He was freed in 1710, and died a year later at saint-denis near paris. 2) a complete inventory of his works, including those whose attribution is doubtful and those which have been incorrectly attributed to him. A list of the pseudonyms used by him is given in the appendix, together with several hitherto unpublished documents and letters. 3) a doctrinal and philosophical analysis of the signature of the formulaire and the theology and ecclesiology of its author, as well as an analysis of the concept of "jansenism" itself.

Abstract FR:

Une biographie tres detaillee de la vie du moine benedictin dom gabriel gerberon (1628-1711), religieux de la congregation de saint-maur. Contemporain de mabillon, et editeur des opera de saint anselme, il fut mele aux controverses "jansenistes" sur la grace et dut s'enfuir en 1682 de l'abbaye de corbie en picardie. Exile hors de france jusqu'en 1703, il fut le compagnon d'arnauld et de quesnel, et fut arrete sur ordre du roi d'espagne philippe v. Remis a la police de louis xiv, il fut emprisonne successivement a malines, amiens et vincennes. Libere en 1710, il mourut un an plus tard a st-denis pres de paris. 2) un inventaire complet de son oeuvre, additionnee des ecrits douteux et attribues a tort. Une liste de ses pseudonymes d'auteur est donnee en annexe, accompagnee de divers documents et lettres inedites. 3) un essai d'analyse doctrinale et philosophique portant sur la signature du formulaire, la theologie et l'ecclesiologie de l'auteur, ainsi que sur la notion meme de "jansenisme".