
La guerre de tetouan (1859-1860) et ses consequences generales sur le maroc

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1987



Toulouse 2



Abstract EN:

The subject treats of the war of tetouan between spain and morocco in 1859-1860. After the introduction, it was necessary approaching a historic general study on the town of tetouan from the 9th century until the 19th century basing on the principal stages that have put a mark on the history of the town. The first part (period before war) is divided in two principal chapter: the hispano-moroccan relations during this period, and the causes of the war. This study begins from the year 1830 until the date of the war (1859). These causes are limited into indirect causes breed the study of the general state of spain and different aspects. The direct causes are limited by some happened events which have led these countries to declare the war. The importance of the united kingdom in the period that preceeds the war being considerable, a little chapter has been consecrated to the study of a series of correspondences exchanged between spain and england, while a second chapter treats the attitude of the moroccan government. The second part that treats the war includes the compositions of the spanish and moroccan armies and is based on the major battles that took place between both parts. There are three stages of battles that end on the occupation of tetouan by spain. The third part treats the general consequences of the war in morocco: consequences on an economic, social and politic level, while analysing their different repercussions on the morocco. The conclusion is consecrated to the advantages of spain in this war.

Abstract FR:

Le sujet traite de la guerre de tetouan entre l'espagne et le maroc (1859-1860) apres l'introduction, il a ete necessaire d'aborder une etude historique generale sur la ville de tetouan a partir du 9e siecle jusqu'au 19e siecle, basee sur les principaux evenements qui ont marque l'histoire de la ville. La premiere partie (periode avant-guerre) englobe deux chapitres: les relations hispano-marocaines pendant cette periode (de 1830 jusqu'a la date de la guerre, 1859). Les causes sont divisees en causes indire-ctes qui traitent l'etat general de l'espagne et differents aspects les causes directes sont limitees par certains evenements qui ont amene les deux pays a se declarer la guerre. L'importance de l'angleterre dans la periode qui precede la guerre etant considerable, un petit chapitre a ete consacre a l'etude d'une serie de correspondance echangee entre l'espagne et l'angleterre, un second traite l'attitude du gouvernement marocain. La deuxieme partie (la guerre) englobe la composition de l'armee espa-gnole et marocaine, et concerne les principales batailles survenues. Il s'agit de trois etapes de combats qui aboutissent a l'occupation de tetouan par l'espagne. La troisieme partie traite les consequences generales de la guerre sur le maroc, au niveau economique, social et politique tout en analysant les differentes repercussions sur le maroc. La conclusion est consacree au but qu'a tire l'espagne de cette guerre.