
Au service du roi catholique : "honorables ambassadeurs" et "divins espions" face a la france. representation diplomatique et service secret dans les relations hispano-francaises de 1598 a 1635

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1996







Abstract EN:

The foundations of the contemporary diplomacy originated in the break up of religion in the xvith century. The slow emergence of the kingdoms during the middle ages and the confrontations amongst the different levels of sovereignty during the renaissance introduced the power of the princes and their representation alongside the different monarchs. During a time of peace (1598-1635), the establishment of bilateral relations between the french and the spanish crowns authorized the study of diplomacy and the settlement of contentious born during the wars of religion. Trying to understand the structures of these relations by the analyses, linearily and informatically, from the spanish diplomatic documents, these investigations point to the limits of political action whose elements are covered by the treaties and the peripherical conflicts of these two crowns. The period (1598-1635) brought about many changes. Can we describe spain as a "multinational" catholic monarchy (the agents would be the "bons catholiques")? does the french crown consider itself to be the conscience of the country which was built up for a century ? the spanish diplomatic practice emphasizes signs of adhesion and divergence in front of these schemes and draws evolutions. The catholic king's representation in paris underlines the original comportments of this century : ostentation, corruption, importance accorded to identify the marks of nobility. During this time, the hispanic-french relations demonstrate the importance of consensus, yet old, as shown by the practice of jus gentium (immunities, protection of the subjets). In order to penetrate the intentions of the partner, this world of pomposity finds association with the

Abstract FR:

Les fondements de la diplomatie contemporaine resident dans la dechirure religieuse du xvie siecle. La lente emergence des royaumes au moyen-age et les confrontations entre les differentes instances de souverainetes pendant la renaissance favorisent l'eclosion d'une representation des pouvoirs princiers aupres des differents monarques. Dans un contexte de paix (1958-1635), l'etablissement de relations bilaterales entre les couronnes espagnoles et francaise autorise l'etude de la diplomatie et celle de l'apurement des contentieux nes des guerres de religion. Tentant de comprendre les cadres de ces relations par l'analyse, lineaire et informatique, des documents diplomatiques espagnols, ces recherches aboutissent a preciser les limites de l'action politique dont les elements sont scandes par les traites et les conflits peripheriques aux deux couronnes. Ce tiers de siecle (1598-1635) aboutit a des mutations. Doit-on parler pour l'espagne de monarchie catholique "multinationale" (les agents seraient les "bons catholiques")? la couronne de france s'assimile-t-elle a une conscience nationale se constituant depuis plus d'un siecle ? la pratique diplomatique espagnole souligne les signes d'adhesion comme les ecarts envers ces schemas. Elle indique certaines evolutions. La represention du roi catholique a paris souligne la pregnance d'une culture propre a l'epoque moderne : ostentation, "corruption", importance attachee aux marques de l'identite nobiliaire. . . Dans le meme temps, les relations hispano-francaises demontrent le poids d'un consensus deja ancien quant a la pratique du droit des gens (immunites, protection des nationaux. . ). Afin de penetrer les intentions du partenaire, ce monde de l'emphase s'associe au domaine opaque du secret. Peut-on voir la "main de madrid" dans les differents complots contre le roi tres-chretien ?