
Grands proprietaires en cote-d'or, 1750-1830

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1995



Paris, EHESS



Abstract EN:

In 1803, in burgondy, the richest landlords are nobles; their properties have been extended in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. A part of them were sold with the revolution. But the successful recuperation went after. Anne marie paris relate the story of these estates. Giving their value and describing how they could grow. The growth is due to the notoriety, and to the marriages, the inheritances, the services they have done to the king, and a good administration; but to the detriment of the peasants. To stay in the upper part of the society, the nobles had to live in versailles; they must marry off their daughters and have theit youngest sons contributing to the fame of the family. The cohesion of the family is a condition of their power. After 1792, the losses were important (persons and properties). But the corruption of certain authorities, the will of adaptation and the family agreements were contributing to the salvation of both richess and power.

Abstract FR:

Les douze familles les plus riches de la cote-d'or sous l'empire appartiennent a la noblesse; leurs proprietes foncieres ont emerge progressivement a partir du xie siecle, se sont etendues aux xviie et xviiie siecle, puis elles ont ete amputees sus la revolution avant d'etre restaurees. On a reconstitue la valeur des domaines, les modalites des acquisitions et la valeur theorique et effective de ces patrimoines dus a la notoriete acquise, aux liens matrimoniaux multiplies, aux heritages obtenus de gre ou de force, aux services rendus a la royaute et a une gestion efficace. Ici, la non residence est une necessite qui permet la maintien dans les strates superieures de la noblesse. La vie familiale presente quelques aspects originaux, plus de filles mariees, et des cadets assurant soit la releve, soit l'ex pansion de la maison. Car la puissance repose sur la cohesion familiale. Les pertes revolutionnaires ont frappe les personnes et les bien ; mais aux moyens deja connus de recuperation des biens se sont ajoutes la "socialisation des pertes" au sein des familles, la corruption et la volonte d'adaptation des notables.