Les manuscrits medievaux enlumines de la bibliotheque de l'abbe d'heliot (1695-1779)
Toulouse 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This research-work, besides introducing abbe d'heliot, one of toulouse distin-guished book-lovers, tries to define from the iconographic and stylistic points of view the six illuminated medieval manuscripts from d'heliot's gift, kept in toulouse public library. A bible, the ms 13, dating from the last quarter of the thirteenth century is the evidence of the evolution of the ms latin 42 masters's genoese workshop in paris towards a style liberated from northen gothic. An anthology of papal bulls, the ms 473, illuminated in languedoc at the begin -ning of the fourteenth century, is a book that the dry-point in the outline makes comparable to the paris ms latin 913 "vie et office de sainte enimie", illuminated in provence at the same period. A book of poems, the ms 822, presents a setting illustrating the "consolation de la philosophie" by boece, elaborated by two different hands, the miniatures from the beginning of the fifteenth century express a parisian style still in-fluenced at times by the fourteenth century. The "grandes chroniques de france", the ms 512, very richly ornamented were made by the "troyes master"'s champagne workshop and seem to have been elaborated about 1420 for a member of the comtes de troyes's family. A book of hours, the ms 147, presents numerous ornamented letters showing a parisian style and a calendar from which it may be dated approximatively after 1443. A pastoral book, the ms 393, was copied in toulouse in 1457 from its spanish homologue dating from the beginning of the fifteenth century for toulouse bishop bernard de rousergue. It presents a setting in the catalonian tradition, under the french gothic influence, special to that spanish region at the beginning of that century. Thus, from the thirteenth to the fifteenth century, these books are the illustration of an illuminated production which was very much varied both in time and space.
Abstract FR:
Cette etude, outre la presentation de l'abbe d'heliot, eminent bibliophile toulousain, tente de definir iconographiquement et stylistiquement les six manuscrits medievaux enlumines provenant du don heliot et conserves a la bibliotheque municipale de toulouse. Une bible, le ms 13, datee du dernier quart du treizieme siecle, est le temoin de l'evolution de l'atelier genois du "maitre du ms latin 42" de paris, vers un style se demarquant du gothique septentrional. Un recueil de bulles des papes, le ms 473, enlumine en languedoc au debut du quatorzieme siecle, est un ouvrage dont la stylisation seche du trait le rap-proche du ms latin 913 de paris, "vie et office de sainte enimie", enlumine en provence a pareille epoque. Un livre de poesies, le ms 822, presente un decor qui illustre la "consolation de la philosophie" de boece; elaborees par deux mains distinctes, les miniatures du debut du quinzieme siecle expriment un style parisien, parfois encore influen -ce par le quatorzieme siecle. Les "grandes chroniques de france", le ms 512, tres richement ornees sont l' oeuvre de l'atelier champenois du "maitre de troyes" et furent elaborees vers 1420 pour, semble-t-il, un membre de la famille des comtes de troyes. Un livre d'heures, le ms 147, presente de nombreuses lettres ornees affichant un style parisien, et un calendrier qui permet de le dater approximativement d' apres 1443. Un livre pastoral, le ms 393, fut copie en 1457 a toulouse sur son homologue espagnol datant du debut du quinzieme siecle, pour l'archeveque de toulouse, bernard de rousergue. Il presente un decor de tradition catalane, sous influen -ce gothique francaise propre a cette region espagnole au debut du siecle. Ainsi, du treizieme au quinzieme siecle, ces ouvrages illustrent une production enluminee tres diversifiee en temps et lieux.