Mille deux cent six-mille trois cent quatre vingt : aux origines du tiers-ordre dominicain
Paris 4Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Is the "third order" as some people think it to be an "accident" that happens frequently in the great religious orders, and presented to lay people who can't become monks or nuns ? as soon as the end of the thirteenth century, the mendicant orders, and specially the dominican friars, nad to be spiritual guides to lay people of every condition grouped together all near couvents or monasteries of the order, and who longed for a new form of consecrated life outside the normal pattern. The friars knew how to take advantage of this particular vocation that was not without recalling the intuition of st. Domininc of gusman their founder. It become the task of ste catherine of siena to prove that this branch of the dominican order was able togive rise to saints and be recognised as to by the church.
Abstract FR:
Le tiers-ordre est-il comme on le pense un accident frequent dans les grands ordres religieux, offert aux laics ne pouvant devenir moines ou moniales ? des la fin du treizieme siecle, les mendiants et singulierement les dominicains eurent a diriger des laics de toutes conditions, regroupes autour des couvents ou des monasteres de l'ordre et qui aspiraient a une nouvelle forme de vie consacree. Les freres surent tirer parti de cette vocation originale qui n'etait pas sans rappeler l'intuition du fondateur, dominique de gusman. Il appartenait a catherine de sienne de prouver que cette branche de l'ordre dominicain pouvait produire des saints et meritait d'etre reconnue par l'eglise.