Les représentations de la violence dans les premiers livres d'histoire enluminés rédigés en français (XIIIe-XVe siècles)
Abstract EN:
The studies of the representations of violence in the first history books, written in french, were conducted from fourteen manuscripts from the end of the xiv centrury to the beginning of the xv century. The role of war and justice in this illustration underlines the importance of violence for the royal power. From then on, next to the violence which was blamed for disrupting the providential order, the beneficial violence of the state gradually became prominent. The stake was such that anything, that was essential, in the presentation of the setting of violence, was not left to chance. The leader was thus given a higher stance due to the relative anonimity of the executants and the variyng fate which was reserved for the victims. Finally the analysis of the relationship between the picture and the text permits the assertion of the modernity and effectiveness of this propaganda by the picture of which the mastering precedes that of the written.
Abstract FR:
L'etude des representations de la violence dans les premiers livres d'histoire rediges en francais est menee a partir de quatorze manuscrits de la fin du xiiie siecle au debut du xve siecle. La place de la guerre et de la justice dans cette illustration souligne son importance pour le pouvoir royal. Desormais a cote de la violence condamnee comme rupture de l'ordre providentiel s'impose la violence benefique de l'etat. L'enjeu est tel que rien d'essentiel, dans la presentation du cadre ou des acteurs de la violence, n'est laisse au hasard. Le chef est ainsi valorise par l'anonymat relatif des executants et le sort varie reserve aux victimes. Enfin l'analyse de la relation entre l'image et le texte permet d'affirmer la modernite et l'efficacite de cette propagande par l'image, dont la maitrise precede celle de l'ecrit.