
Les missions des peres du saint-esprit a loango, 1883-1945 (congo)

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1987



Paris 4



Abstract EN:

The fathers of the holy spirit arrived in loango in 1883, which is the date when they built the first church in congo. That first step was to constitue a deeply important basis for the evangelization of the inland of congo and central africa. As in any work of large scale, the missionaries won't be exempted from difficulties. They will be of all kinds: national difficulties among natives and among the colonial administration, and so on. In order to strengthen their apostolic influence, the missionaries are to focus their efforts to the creation off different institutions: charitable institutions, scholastic and outdoor institutions and others. The missionaries will immediately endeavour to contribute to the well-understood civilization and also to the temporal welfare of the populations whose evangelization had been confided to them by giving them the esteem andlove for work and also by teaching them, through brothers, the farming of lands as also the arts and the most useful professions, without neglecting the training of a religions native staff who was to secure the continuity of the work in a near future.

Abstract FR:

Les peres du saint-esprit sont arrives a loango en 1883, date a laquelle ils ont construit la premiere eglise au congo. Cette premiere etape devait constituer une base tres importante pour l'evangelisation de l'interieur du congo et de l'afrique centrale. Comme dans tout travail de grande envergure, les missionnaires ne seront pas exemptes des difficultes; elles seront de toutes sortes: difficultes naturelles, aupres des indigenes, aupres de l'administration coloniale etc. Pour consolider leur action apostolique, les missionnaires vont concentrer leurs efforts a la creation des oeuvres de toutes natures: oeuvres charitables, oeuvres scolaires, sportives et autres. Les missionnaires s'efforceront aussi de contribuer a la civilisation bien comprise et aux interets temporels des populations dont l'evangelisation leur avait ete confiee en les portant a l'estime et a l'amour du travail et en leur apprenant par le moyen des freres: la culture des terres ainsi que les arts et les metiers les plus utiles, et sans negliger la formation d'un personnel indigene religieux qui devait a un avenir proche, assurer la continuite de l'oeuvre.