Transmettre la foi au diocese d'avignon, xixe-xxe siecles
Montpellier 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The works concerns the course of the transmission of the faitgh in the diocesse of avignon in a context of a problem which as both chronological and trematic implications within a definite perspective : how did the population from the vaucluse area evangelize i the ninettenth and the twentieth century? the first part deals with the ordinance of episcopal texts. The bishop, as part of his mission, is the first person responsible for the transmission of the message og god to men. He is supported in his tasks by his fellow priestes, of whom parish-priests form the main part. Parish-priets live out their ministry in paristhes, and act as aposties through three main pillars: catechism, preachiing and teaching in schools. They, in turn, are helped by lay people. Such is the aim of the second part. Finally, since evangelization is not reduced to a mere passive acceptance of one teaching, we have tried to emphazie in the third part, on one hand, the use of proper means if awakening the human conscience (by this we mean pastoral missions, the use of the provencal language, and the means of communication): on the other hand, the carrying out of one's duty as part of the faith, within a dual aim: to live by faith and to promote its development.
Abstract FR:
Ce travail etudie les vecteurs de la transmission de la foi au diocese d'avignon dans une problematique a la fois chronologique et thematique, avec une perspective constante : comment les populations de vaucluse ontelles ete evangelisees aux xixe et xxe siecles? la premiere partie etudie le prescrit des textes episcopaux car l'eveque, de par sa mission, est le premier responsable de la transmission du message de dieu aux hommes. Il est seconde dans sa tache par ses collaborateurs immediats que sont les pretres, dont les cures consitutent la majeure partie. Ces derniers exercent leur mistere en paroisse, et delivrent leur message grace aux trois piliers que constituent le catechisme, la predication et l'ecole, secondes a leur tour par des laics; c'est l'objet de la seconde partie. Enfin, et parce que l'evangelisation ne se reduit pas a la reception passive d'un enseignement, nous avons essaye de mettre en valeur dans la troisieme partie d'une part l'utilisation de moyens propres a reveiller les consciences (les missions paroissiales, l'utilisation du provencal, les moyens de communication) et d'autre part les engagements que suppose la foi, dans une double perspective : en give et en favoriser le developpement