
Histoire de la television de 1948 a nos jours : du monopole a la deregulation

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1994



Lille 3


Abstract EN:

The goal of this doctoral thesis is to study the evolution of french television from 1948 up to the present day, from the monopoly to the mixed system. In a first part, we have turned our attention to the history of techniques, ie the cover of national television. The second part is about the juridical history, since television seeks a status that is slowly mapped out in 1684, 1972, 1982, 1986. Then the political history will form the subject of a third part which will deal with the relationship between the state and television especially during the monopoly period. The fourth part will be about the contemporary television mixed system which combines the states (the publics chanels), the mediator (the regulating authorities) and the private channels. The fifth part will be an analysis of the programmes of the monopoly period and those of mixed system television.

Abstract FR:

Le but de la these est d'etudier l'evolution de la television francaise de 1948 a nos jours, du monopole a la deregulation. Dans la premiere partie, l'histoire des techniques a ete envisagee c'est-a-dire la couverture nationale televisuelle. Dans la seconde partie, il s'agit de l'histoire juridique puisque la television se cherche un statut qu'elle elabore lentement 1964, 1972, 1974, 1986. Puis l'histoire politique fera l'objet de la troisieme partie il s'agit la des relations de l'etat avec la television surtout du temps du monopole. Dans la quatrieme partie, il sera question regime mixte televisuel contemporain qui associe l'etat (les chaines publiques), l'intermediaire (la haute instance regulatrice) et les chaines privees. La cinquieme partie analyse les programmes de la television de monopole et ceux de la television deregulee. La derniere partie se place dans la perspective du cable en france et en europe.