
L'administration militaire francaise en afrique blanche et noire (1830-1930)

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1987



Montpellier 3



Abstract EN:

This work tries to explain why and in what circumstances the french army was in charge to administrate large parts of african territories (called precisely military territories), during the colonial expansion of the xixth century and in the beginning of the xx the xxth century. The book is divided in three parts : 1st) the story of the military territories : "bureaux arabes" of north africa ; western sudan, tchad and mauritania. 2nd) study of the officer corps : specialization, recruiting, daily life. Their position towards the whole army and the colons. Their attitude towards the native and particularly muslim religion. 3rd) the native troops called "suppletifs", created and commanded by the french officers. Their political and military action. French military doctors working for expansion.

Abstract FR:

Ce travail se propose d'etudier pourquoi et dans quelles conditions l'armee francaise a ete chargee, lors de l'expansion francaise en afrique, du commandement et de l'administration de vastes territoires appeles territoires militaires. Le sujet est traite en trois parties : 1) l'histoire des territoires militaires, bureaux arabes, puis affaires indigenes (algerie, tunisie, maroc); territoires militaires du soudan, puis du niger, du tchad et de la mauritanie). 2) les officiers charges d'administrer les territoires militaires : specialisation, recrutement, vue quotidienne, culture. Leur situation par rapport a l'armee, aux autorites civiles, aux colons. Leur attitude vis a vis des indigenes et notamment de l'islam. 3) les formations specialisees dites suppletives, creees par les officiers. Leur role militaire et politique. Le role de la medecine au service de l'expansion.