
Pacifisme et antimilitarisme en isere durant l'entre-deux-guerre, 1919-1939

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1992





Abstract EN:

The study of pacifism and antimilitarism in the department of isere during the interwar period rests on the survey of two sets of information : the war memorials erected towards the end of the first world war and the notices issued against the deserters and the draft dodgers of that time. In addition to this, one must take into account the growing relevance of the part played by war veterans, notably those belonging to the u. M. A. C. , the leading local organization. The general mobilization limits the political scope of war and army as far as representation and opposition are concerned. Pacifism can't be assessed in purely political terms but in relation to the stifling weight of war death rate. It remains useless when it comes to a deeper investigation of the murderous responsability of both the state and the military authorities. Simultaneously, pacifism and antimilitarism are dealt with in the light of the different campaings set up by the political organizations and the unions stemming from the workers' movementn on such occurences as french military interventions abroad ( ruhr, rif) or changes in consciption regulations (two years law). Pacifism and antimilitarism are also related to the spread of antifascism. In spite of stubborn individual resistance to conscription, the trend towards the integration of the political forces into the national framework wasn't checked. Moreover, the sacred aspect of a pacifism operating as a set of conservatrice feeling combined with reformist concepts turned out to be ineffective as a guarantee that " the war to end all wars " would remain as such through the course of history.

Abstract FR:

L'etude du pacifisme et de l'antimilitarisme dans le departement de l'isere durant l'entre-deux-guerres s'articule a partir de l'analyse de deux ensemblesde donnees : les monuments aux morts eriges au sortir de la premiere guerre mondiale et les avis de recherche des deserteurs et insoumis couvrant toute la periode. A cela, s'ajoute la mise en evidence du role des anciens combattants, notamment ceux regroupes au sein de l'u. M. A. C. , l'organisation dominante localement. La mobilisation generale borne le champ politique de la representation et de la contestation de la guerre et de l'armee. Le pacifisme ne se fonde pas sur des termes explicitement politiques, mais sous le poids etouffant de la mortalite de guerre. Il demeure incapable de s'interroger profondement sur la responsabilite meurtriere de l'etat et du commandement militaire. Parallelement, le pacifisme et l'antimilitarisme sont abordes a travers les differentes campagnes menees par les organisations politiques et syndicales issues du mouvement ouvrier, tant a l'occasion des interventions militaires francaises exterieures (ruhr, rif), que de modifications du regime de la conscription ( lois de deux ans ). Pacifisme et antimilitarisme sont aussi confrontes a l'aune de l'antifascisme. Malgre la persistance des resistances individuelles a la conscription, le processus d'integration des forces politiques dans le cadre national n'a pas ete freine. Par ailleurs, la saralisation d'un pacifisme fonctionnant comme un amalgame d'emotions conservatrices et de concepts reformistes s'est averee inoperante pour que la "der des der" le demeure historiquement.