La sociabilité dans une petite ville de province : Montbéliard de 1870 à1914
Lyon 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Expression of the encounter of individuals, sociability showed permanent features as well as mutations keeping close together and tightly linked upn with the evolution of the city. Its lasting features rested in the power of the middle classes. They still possessed their keys and handed them down. They could be observed in some religious groups such as the anabaptistes or in small groups that jealously attempted to maintain traditions ever though some of their members individually progressed towards modernity. Its mutations were linked up with economic and social evolution. They had obvionsly beer delayed, mainly in some areas such as theatre, dances, cafe-concerts official or unofficial festivals, lohich could easily be explained by the background. But montbeliard, spurred by sole thinking people who had understood what some levels of society or some open-minded republican town councellors were claiming, put its clock on to the republican time.
Abstract FR:
Expression de la rencontre des groupes, des individus entre eux, la sociabilite montre des permanences et des mutations qui se cotoient en lien direct avec l'evolution de la cite. Les permanences se situent au niveau du pouvoir. La bourgeoisie en conserve les clefs et se les transmet. On les observe dans certains groupes religieux tels les anabaptistes ou des groupuscules qui cherchent jalousement a defendre une tradition meme si certain de leurs membres evoluent vers la modernite a titre individuel. Les mutations sont liees a l'evolution economique et sociale. Le retard est net surtout dans certains domaines, le theatre, le bal, le cafe-concert, la fete officielle ou non, ce qui s'explique aisement par le contexte mais montbeliard, sous l'impulsion de certains esprits qui ont compris la demande d'une certaine couche de la population ou des ediles republicains ouverts aux idees nouvelles se met a "l'heure republicaine".