
Les bourgs fortifies savoyards du viennois du treizieme au quinzieme siecle

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1996



Paris, EHESS



Abstract EN:

The sixteen fortified towns studied in this thesis belonged to the count of savoie and spread out from the gates of lyon and vienne up to the edges of grenoble, a region bordering the dauphine. This work consists of a collection, and analysis, of archeological, architectural and textual information at our disposal. The first part, in addition to the traditional geographical presentation, includes a historical approach to the concerned area; origins of the dauphine-savoie conflict and the fiscal, administrative and monetary organisation of the savoie states. The second part is devoted to the history of the sixteen towns. After a geographical and historical presentation, each town is studied according to its structures (organisation of the buildings, castle and fortifications ) and its inhabitants (commercial charters, population evolution, social structure, economic and religious life). This study shows an evolution of the population and the installation of the town in four phases. The first concerns the evolution of the towns in the eleventh century, which subsequently evolved into fortified towns in the thirteenth centuary. The second, in the twelfth century, is a reconstruction phase of the manor houses and sometimes of new towns which are distinguishable by the construction of a castle and associated town. The third, in the middle of the thiteenth centuary, is the result of communal efforts; it consists in a phase of clearing of zones not already over-grown by planting and the creation of new towns. The fourth phase, at the beginning of the fifteenth century, corresponds to the increasing intensity of the dauphinesavoie conflicts. The count of savoie, in order to better protect his frontier, built small castles with towns attached or fortified the existing villages. The construction programs were less impressive than the previous century but answered the military needs of the moment.

Abstract FR:

Les seize bourgs fortifies etudies dans cette these appartenaient au comte de savoie et s'echelonnent des portes de lyon et de vienne jusqu'aux abords de grenoble dans une region frontaliere avec le dauphine. Ce travail a consiste en une compilation et une analyse des donnees archeologiques, architecturales et textuelles a notre disposition. La premiere partie, outre la traditionnelle presentation geographique, comporte une approche historique de la region concernee: origine des possessions savoyardes en viennois, histoire du conflit delphino-savoyard et organisation fiscale, administrative et monetaire de l'etat savoyard. La seconde partie est consacree aux monographies des seize bourgs. Apres une presentation geographique et historique, chaque bourg est etudie selon ses structures (organisation du bati, chateau et fortifications) et ses habitants (charte de franchises, evolution demographique, structures sociales, vie economique et vie religieuse). Cette etude montre une evolution du peuplement et de l'installation des bourgs en quatre phases. La premiere concerne les bourgs castraux du xie siecle qui evoluent ensuite vers les bourgs fortifies du xiiie siecle. La seconde, au xiie siecle, est une phase de restructuration de certaines seigneuries et parfois de villeneuves qui se caracterise par la reconstruction d'un chateau et d'un bourg afferent. La troisieme, au milieu du xiiie siecle, est l'oeuvre de la volonte comtale: il s'agit d'une phase de defrichements de zones non encore gagnees par les cultures et de la creation de villeneuves. La quatrieme phase, au debut du xve siecle, correspond a la montee en puissance du conflit delphino-savoyard. Le comte de savoie, afin de proteger sa frontiere en profondeur, cree des petits chateaux et de petits bourgs attenants ou bien fortifie des villages existants. Les programmes de construction sont moins prestigieux qu'au siecle precedent mais repondent aux imperatifs militaires du moment.