La ceramique du moyen age a paris potiers et pots de terre tuiliers, tuiles et carreaux de pavement des xiiie et xive siecles
Paris, EPHEDisciplines:
Abstract EN:
This is a study of the potters and tilers and their production in medieval paris and its main suburbs of xiiith and xivth centuries. Taking on the one hand the archives and on the other the recent archaelogical excavations, it proves the reality of a parisian production in the middle ages and tried to distinguish the different corporations and their localisations within growing paris. The first part concerns potters, tilers and pavers. No medieval kilns have been discovered in paris and only sources : statutes, sentences and books of imposition, provide many unpublished information. Potters working pewter or copper are distinguished. Specific and different maps locate zones of activity. The study of the 25 parisian parishes where the potters and the tilers lived and a toponimic research complete the panorama of this craftmanship. The second part examines the pottery found in recent archaelogical excavations. A large group of potteries fom the "cour carree du louvre" and the royal castle explored in 1984 - 1985 is unique for the xiiith century in paris. Catalogue presents pottery classified in different types : drinking jug decorated and green glazed or yellow glazed on red clay; highly decorated wares; different wares in yellow glazed, jug, pitcher, moneybox, keg, lamp, bottle, skillet; glazed cup; wares without decoration; wares with red-painted decoration : jug, pitcher, cooking pot, tripod-footed cooking pot, basin. This gives a real inventory of the diversity of forms in use. Three dumps also from "cour carree du louvre" and several excavations of the left bank, "la collegiale", "reine blanche", "clovis" or "monsieur le prince", complete this research for the xivth century. Combined with the study of pottery from xvth and beginning of xvith century carried out before (for dea report), 18 boards gives, for the first time, a typo-chronology of pottery in use in the royal castle and in paris from saint-louis to francois ist.
Abstract FR:
Prenant pour cadre historique les xiiie et xive siecles et, geographique, le paris de philippe auguste avec ses principaux faubourgs, l'artisanat de la terre cuite est etudie a partir des sources ecrites et des decouvertes archeologiques recentes. La premiere partie est consacree aux potiers, tuiliers et paveurs. En l'absence de decouverte de fours, le recours aux sources ecrites, statuts, sentences, livres d'imposition et leur rapprochement a fourni des informations inedites. Elles ont permis d'identifier et de distinguer les potiers de terre des potiers d'etain ou de cuivre. Des cartes specifiques situent les zones d'activite des differentes professions. L'etude des vingt-cinq paroisses parisiennes abritant potiers et tuiliers accompagnee d'une recherche toponymique complete le panorama de cet artisanat. La deuxieme partie analyse la production des potiers de terre a partir des fouilles archeologiques realisees a paris recemment. Un remarquable ensemble, unique pour le xiiie siecle, provient des fouilles de la cour carree du louvre realisees en 1984-1985. Les ceramiques etudiees ont ete classees par type : pichets a glacure verte ou jaune sur engobe, decores ou tres decores; chevrette; tasse; production a glacure jaune tels que cruche, tonnelet, bouteille tirelire, lechefrite, lampe a huile, poelon; pichet sans decor; recipents flammules comprenant oule a col court ou en bandeau, cruche marmite tripode, bassin. Le catalogue donne un veritable inventaire de la diversite des formes en usage. L'etude de la ceramique de trois depotoirs du xive siecle de la cour carree du louvre et de celle de plusieurs sites de la rive gauche, rues de la collegiale, de la reine blanche, clovis et monsieur le prince, en complete l'examen. Reprenant en compte l'etude de la ceramique du xve et du debut du xvie siecle (memoire de dea), 18 tableaux permettent d'esquisser les transformations de la ceramique en usage a paris de saint louis a francois 1er.