
Structure urbaine et architecture civile de cahors aux 12e, 13e et 14e siecles

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1994



Toulouse 2


Abstract EN:

The number of medieval buildings that have been preserved testifies to the prosperity of cahors between 1100 and 1350. The capital of the quercy did not benefit from any particular economic advantage and is, for this reason, a good example of the widespread prosperity of the time. From the bheginning of the 13th century the consulate became the main power of the town. Its role of municipal government was reinforced by the increasing presence of royal administration. The action taken by the aldermen with regard to urban regulations and their realisations (the creation of squares, the construction of two bridges) went hand in hand with urban growth. An urban project thus took form around 1300. The distinctive character of the towm was a main center and arterial roads which brought together commercial activities and residential needs. Constructive characterisrics have allowed the identification of about 30 "romanesque" houses. Archaelogical analyses have been concentrated principally on the edifices (houses, mansions and palaces) of the 13th and 14th centuries. To this end the programmes, the construction materials, the domestic layouts, etc. Have been studies. Brick became dominant during the course of the 13th century. Comfort increased. The evolution of the sculpture reveals that from the last decades of the 13th century onwards the french gothic vocabulary was adopted in its entirety.

Abstract FR:

Les nombreuses demeures medievales conservees temoignent de la prosperite de cahors entre 1100 et 1350. La capitale du quercy ne jouit d'aucun atout economique particulier et elle est de ce fait un bon exemple de la prosperite generale que connait cette epoque. A partie du debut du 13e siecle, le consulat devient le principal pouvoir dans la ville. Son role de gestionnaire de la cite est conforte par l'administration royale qui se fait de plus en plus presente. L'action des consuls en matiere de police urbaine et leurs realisations (creation de places, construction de deux ponts) accompagnent la croissance urbaine. Un projet urbain prend ainsi forme vers 1300. La ville se caracterise par un centre et des axes majeurs qui regroupent fonction commercial et fonction residentielle. Les caracteres constructifs ont permis d'identifier une trentaine de maisons "romanes". Les analyses archeologiques ont principalement porte sur des edifices (maisons, hotels, palais) des 13e et 14e sieles. Sont ainsi etudies les programmes, les materiaux de construction, les amenagements domestiques, etc. La brique devient dominante au cours du 13e siecle. Le confort s'accroit. L'evolution de la sculpture revele l'adoption complete du vocabulaire du gothique francais a partir des dernieres decennies du 13e siecle.