
La decouverte de l'asie orientale par la france du xvie siecle

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1994




Abstract EN:

The specific aim of this study is to demonstrate the progress in knowledge of the far east among frenchmen in the sixteenth century : at the beginning of the century the french image of that part of the world was based on myth, which was itself inherited from mediaeval sources. Gradually knowledge became more empirical, based on travel literature written mainly by foreigners (spanish, italian or dutch), translated into french and published during the sixteenth century. The other main source for french knowledge of the far east was the accounts of jesuit missionaries which were based on years of scrupulous observation and experience of that region, as is shown by numerous collections of their letters translated and published in french. The other sources studied are the productions of the cartographers and the humanists which were published in french at the time. It is concluded that, by the end of the century, india remained more or less unknown to the french, whereas china and japan gained significantly more attention : china fascinated by virtue of the splendour of its civilization, and japan was seen as fertile terrain for new converts to christianity.

Abstract FR:

L'objet de ce travail est precisement de montrer les progres des connaissances des francais du xvie siecle dur l'asie orientale : au debut du siecle les francais ont une image mytique de l'asie, heritage du moyen age. Puis le savoir se construit a partir d'une part d'observations des voyageurs en majorite "etrangers" (iberiques, italiens ou hollandais) dont les recits sont traduits en francais et publies au xvie siecle. Et d'autre part, les missionnaires jesuites dont les temoignages reposant sur plusieurs annees d'experience et d'observations attentives, ont un impact tres important sur la connaissance de l'asie orientale. En temoigne leurs nombreuses lettres traduites en francais et publiees. Ce travail incorpore egalement les travaux des cartographes, des cosmographes et des humanistes qui circulaient en francais a cette epoque. In el resulte une inde peu connue des francais alors que la chine et le japon soulevent leur interet : le premier etat par le niveau de sa civilisation, et le japon parce qu'il suscita tous les espoirs de conversion au christianisme.