
La france et l'egypte de 1882 a 1914 : interets economiques et implications politiques

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1991



Paris 8




Abstract EN:

The dissertation analyzes the relationship that might have existed between french economic interests and france's policy toward egypt from 1882 to 1914. French holdings in egypt's public debt and french investments in egyptian companies such as suez, the credit foncier egyptien and the sugar company are weighed, described and evaluated in terms of performance. French policy toward egypt is examined with a view to determining its objectives and the interests it promoted.

Abstract FR:

La these analyse le lien qui peut exister entre les interets economiques francais et la politique de la france a l'egard de l'egypte de 1882 a 1914. La demarche consiste a mesurer, a decrire et a evaluer la performance des capitaux francais places dans la dette publique egyptienne et investis dans les entreprises en egypte, tels suez, le credit foncier egyptien et les sucreries. Parallelement, l'action de l'etat francais en egypte est examinee en vue de preciser ses objectifs et les interets auxquels elle repond.