
"l'oas etude d'une organisation clandestine"

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1993



Paris 4



Abstract EN:

The aim of this thesis is to study, the origins, the action and the failure of the "secret army organisation" (oas). The thesis is composed of four sections, which present successively th reasons for the growth of this clandestine force (socio-political factors and nationalist forces anterior to the "oas") but also an analysis of the initial organisation of its first networks. This first approach is thencompleted by a study of the human and material means which were used during the years 1961-1962. The third section is an overall view of the main terrorist and legal initiatives used by the "organisation" during this same periode of time, followed by an analysis of the nature of those actions. Lastly, the 4th section presente all the various methods used in action to fight against the oas, including the different kinds of actions implimented against the "organisation", underlining the main reasons of the failure of this underground force.

Abstract FR:

L'objet de cette these est d'etudier, la genese, l'action et l'echec de "l'organisation armee secrete" (oas). Elle comprend a cet effet quatre parties, presentant successivement : les facteurs d'emergence du mouvement 'facteurs socio-politiques et tendances "algerie francaise" anterieures a l'oas) mais aussi une analyse de l'organisation initiale de ses premiers reseaux. Cette approche est ensuite completee par une etude sur les moyens humains et materiels dont disposa le mouvement tout au long des annees 1961-62. Une troisieme partie, quantifie alors les principales initiatives terroristes ou legales de "l'organisation" tout au long de cette meme periode, et en analyse la nature. Enfin, une derniere partie present les moyens mis en oeuvre pour combattre l'oas, les differents modes d'actions entrepris a son encontre, et souligne a cette occasion les principales causes a l'origine de l'echec du mouvement.