
Amsterdam-Pleyel, 1932-1939 : histoire d'un mouvement de masse

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1993



Paris 8



Abstract EN:

Amsterdam-pleyel (193-1939) was an international mass movement which took on an original aspect in france. In 1932, the rising number of conflicts led the third international and the communist party ot trengthen their efforts against war. The communist party called on h. Barbusse, a specialist in mass organizing, who at the time emphasized its importance. He in turn chose r. Rolland, known for his pacifist positions, as his associate. However, the amsterdam congress, where the issue of revolutionnary strategy was dominant, softened its positions. In france, the movement was based on the creation of local committees which attracted various organizations and new social groups and it took a new specific form. In 1933, thecoming to power of hitler changed the priorities : the amsterdam committee, attending the pleyel congress gave birth to the amsterdam-pleyel movement. At first, the movement was not very active against external fascism which seemed to be a quite remote danger. But in 1934, the movement established itself on a lasting basis in the nation's life and followed the french political life and the international crises which eventually led to the war. That was a new period for the amsterdam-pleyel movement which had to undergo some transformations. At first acting as an intermediate of the political party, it began to play a complementary role which emphasized political unity. Changing its name to peace and liberty, it followed the line of popular frotn for which it acted as an intermediate, with civil society. Its local

Abstract FR:

L'histoire d'amsterdam-pleyel de 1932 a 1939 est celle d'un mouvement de masse concu au niveau international et qui, prend en france un dimension originale. En 1932, la pultiplication des conflits oblige l'internationale communiste et le parti communiste a accentuer leur lutte contre la guerre. Ce dernier s'adresse a h. Barbusse, l'homme des organisations de masse, a une epoque ou il privilegie celles-ci. En s'associant a r. Rolland, h. Barbusse choisit un homme connu pour ses positions pacifistes. Toutefois le congres d'amsterdam reste domine par la strategie revolutionnaire, eludant les positions pacifistes. Le mouvement, en france se structure dans des comites locaux. Rassemblant differentes organisations et de larges couches sociales. Il prend une forme specifique et nouvelle. Avec l'arrivee d'hitler au pouvoir, l'antifascisme est devenu prioritaire. L'association d'amsterdam au congres de pleyel donne naissance au mouvement amsterdam-pleyel, lequel se mobilise peu en france, tant le danger semble lointain. Mas, avec l'annee 1934, le mouvement s'ancre durablement dans la vie poli tique francaise ponctuee par les crises internationales qui menent a la guerre. Amsterdam-pleyel doit se transformer. Au depat relais du parti politique, il joue desormais un role complementaire. Devenu paix et liberte, a l'heure du front populaire il developpe avec ses comites locaux une veritable vie associative. Issu du pc, dans sa composition, il est amene a developper avec lui des relations conflictuelles, sans aller jusqu'a la rupture. En 1939 paix et liberte devient une association. Cette trans formation sonne le glas du mouvement de masse dans sa forme primitive.