
Stephane mallarme et les arts. De la relation ambigue et multiple qui unit le dicible au visible

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1991



Abstract EN:

This thesis endeavours to be a study on the relationship of text and form, word and image in mallarme's works. It is based on his numerous writings on art, on the artistic production and texts of his artist friends and is structured as follows : mallarme the dandy construed his own life as a work of art, with montesquiou and huysmans in his wake. In the it is emphasized that the process of "disfigurative configuration" has begun. Whistler's symbolism, musical titles and his manifesto "the ten o'clok" fascinated mallarme, as dit the seriousness of f. And p. Nadar's photography and the illustrators rops, khnopff, and raffaelli. His impressionist friends * monet, renoi, degas and morisot were unable to resolve the problem of text and image, and failed to realize mallarme's dream of the "tirour de laque" ("lacquer cabinet"). It was e. Munch who turned the poet's portrait into an icon. Parallel to mallarme, a. Rodin discovered the power of the suggestive and the fragment. The poetical monotypes and especially the photographs of degas were close to mallarme. Vuillard, painter of a reality where everything mingled, and the younger generation of the revue blanche were to flock around the poet at valvins. The tense, mysterious works of redon also play an important part in this study. Gauguin was to go furthest of all where meanings, no longer founded on a established code, became uncertain. Mallarme's venture an the other

Abstract FR:

Se voulant une etude des relations du texte et de la forme, du mot et de l'image, ce travail, partant des nombreux ecrits de mallarme sur l'art, de la production et des textes d'artistes amis, est structure comme suit. Mallarme dandy se construit sa propre vie comme une oeuvre d'art avec montesquiou et huysmans dans son sillage. La premiere rencontre majeure du poete va etre dix ans durant celle de e. Manet. Du texte capital : "the impressionnists and mr. Manet" a lui consacre, il ressort, il ressort que le proces sus de la "figuration defigurante" est amorce. Whistler, son symbolisme, ses titres musicaux, son manifeste "the ten o'clock" fascinent mallarme. Gravite ont aussi autour du poete : les photographes f. Et p. Nadar, des illustrateurs rops, knopff, raffaelli. Les amis impressionnistes : monet, renoir, degas, morisot ne pourront surmonter la problematique du texte et de l'image et feront echouer le reve mallarmeen du "tiroir de laque". E. Munch va transformer le portrait du poete en icole, a. Rodin decouvre parallelement a mallarme la puissance de la suggestion et du fragment. Degas le poete, celui des monotypes et surtout le photographe va etre proche de mallarme. Vuillard, peintre d'une realite ou tout se brouille et la jeune generation de la revue blanche vont voltiger autour du poete a valvins. Redon et son oeuvre charge d'angoisse et de mystere est un jalon important de cette etude. Gauguin ira le plus loin : les significations deviennes instables, ne reposent plus sur des codes etablis. La trajectoire de mallarme et la recherche de ces artistes s'efforcent de se degager d'un systeme depasse de reference au monde sensible.