
Le diocese de strasbourg au 19e siecle (1802-1914)

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1986





Abstract EN:

In the 19th century, the religious vitality of the strasbourg diocese is obvious. This huge composite diocese, situated on the bounding line of the french space, is imbricate deeply in the rhineland where germanic influences are preponderant. The first appointments of bishops show a will to francize alsace, but they cannot come over the first fruits of a renewal, messenger of promises, such as the increase in number of priests and the introduction of congregations. The appointment of lord bishop raess in 1842, constitutes a breaking, because as an alsatian and ultramondane, he somehow does away with obstacles to the development of the alsatian catholicism. After the annexation of alsace to germany in 1871, the diocese is brought face to face with the "kulturkampf" and with germanization. As the administrator of the diocese in 1883, lord bishop stumpf has to cope with a critical situation. Lord bishop fritzen is chosen in 1891, because he is a german, but the new bishop's main care in his diocese is devotion and not political interests of his country. In spite of those mutations, the diocese is not assailed by dechristianization at the beginning of the 20th century.

Abstract FR:

Au 19e siecle, la vitalite religieuse du diocese de strasbourg est manifeste. Ce vaste diocese mixte, situe a la peripherie de l'espace francais, est profondement imbrique dans l'espace rhenan, ou l'influence germanique est preponderante. Les premieres nominations episcopales traduisent la volonte de franciser l'alsace, mais elles ne peuvent etouffer les premices d'un renouveau annonciateur de promesses telles l'augmentation du nombre de pretres et l'implantation des congregations religieuses. La nomination de mgr raess comme eveque en 1842 constitue une rupture, car alsacien et ultramontain, il supprime en quelque sorte les entraves au developpement du catholicisme alsacien. Apres l'annexion de l'alsace a l'allemagne en 1871, le diocese se trouve confronte au kulturkampf et a la germanisation. Administrateur du diocese en 1883, mgr stumpf doit faire face a une situation critique. Mgr fritzen est choisi en 1891 parce qu'allemand, mais le nouvel eveque est avant tout soucieux de la piete dans son diocese et non des interets politiques de son pays. En depit de ces vicissitudes, le diocese n'est pas atteint par la dechristianisation au debut du 20e siecle.