
L'ouverture de la Chine et les transformations de l'économie et de la société du thé : 1842-1911

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1995



Bordeaux 3




Abstract EN:

China remained the sole purveyor of tea in the world until the 1850's. Based on the living art in china. Tea created a culture in europe. Especially in great britain. The frenzy for tea led the british to push their demands for the opening of the chinese frontiers. They finally created a market for their products in exchange for tea or silk. This resulted in the opening of the country brought about by the opium war, which profoundly influenced the entire traditional economy and society of tea. The chinese had large exports. And its peasants and merchants benefited from these efforts. They finally reached their limits. However, when new producers began to appear on the scene. This resulted in the decline of trade and constituted an important element in the crisis that emerged in the 20th century. This thesis is a study of all these events throughout this period.

Abstract FR:

La chine et restee le seul fournisseur mondial de the jusqu'aux annees 1950, base d'un art de vivre en chine, le the a cree en europe. Surtout en grande-bretagne. Une culture. La frenesie du the a pousse les britaniques a demander a la chine d'ouvrir ses frontieres, afin d'y creer un marche pour les produits echanges contre le the ou les soies. Ce fut l'ouverture de la gurerre de l'opium. Toute l'economie et la societe du the, traditionnelles, furent influencees profondement par cette ouverture. La chine vit grandir ses exportations, ses paysans et ses marchands profiterent de cet essor. Mais ce dernier atteint ses lilites, quand apparurent de nouveaux producteurs. Ce fut un declin de de commerce et ceci constitua un element important dans la crise du 20eme siecle. La these etudie l'ensemble des evenements durant cette periode.