Recherche sur les programmes decoratifs des mihrab-s jusqu'au xieme s
Paris 4Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The mihrab, the concave niche which is placed in the qibla-wall of the mosque and according to the literature appears for the first time at madina, is maybe the institutionalisation of an already usual pratice. The study of its origins, ethymology and the popular pratice shows the complex character of the mihrab. The concave niche is represented on slabs which participate to the propagation of the motives : recall-mihrab-s, secundary mihrab-s the mihrab can also be movable or portable. The introduction of the qibla-niche has important consequences on the architectural conception of the edifice which becomes a sacral one. The mosque is oriented in the direction of the mihrab and the interior disposition of the prayer room is organised in respect to it. The decoration of the mihrab-s in the great mosques of madina, damascus, and jerusalem serves as sacral model and is "copied" in the mosques of qairawan, and cordoba which in their turn give exampel for imitation elsewhere.
Abstract FR:
Le mihrab, niche concave qui se creuse dans le mur qibli de la mosquee et apparait, selon les sources litteraires, a madina, n'est peut-etre que l'institutionalisation d'une pratique deja en usage. L'etude de ses origines, de l'etymologie, des traditions populaires, nous fait comprendre le role complexe du mihrab. La niche concave est representee sur des plaques qui participent a la propagation des motifs : mihrab-s de rappel, mihrab-s secondaires. Le mihrab peut aussi etre mobile ou portatif. L'introduction de la niche de qibla va avoir des consequences importantes sur la conception architecturale de l'edifice qui se sacralise. La mosquee est desormais orientee par rapport au mihrab et la disposition interieure de la salle de prieres s'organise par rapport a lui. Les decors des mihrab-s des grandes mosquees de madina, damas, et jerusalem, vont servir de modeles sacres et seront "copies" par les mosquees de qairawan et cordoue qui a leur tour seront imites.