Le luxembourg et la guerre de coree (25 juin - 27 juillet 1953)
Montpellier 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Practically from the begining of the hostilities i korea, luxembourg has participated in the united nations collective security effort and has supported the republic of korea in the diplomate, economic and military fdields. Since its military potential was however rather modest, the government chose to integrate the detachments for korea provided by the luxembourgish army in the belgian battalion for korea. So two detachments left successively for asia to join the united nations forces. These detachments participated among others in the battle on the imjin river and i the defense of the kimpo peninsula during the mobile part of the war, and ind the defense of the united nations' main line of resistance during the static part. On the political level, the government had to defend its engagement in korea, in particuliar in the chamber of deputies whers the communists never cessed to oppose it. Luxembourg has also followed the evolution of the korean question is the united nations. After the conclusion of an armistice, luxembourg has participated in the geneva conference which was supposed to find a poeaceful solution to the korean crisis.
Abstract FR:
Pratiquement des l'ouverture des hositlites en coree, le luxembourg a participe a l'effort de securite collective des nations-unies et a soutenu la republique de coree sur les plans diplo:matique, economique et militaire. Comme ses capacites militaires etaient toutefois assez modestes, le gouvernement a choisi d'integrer les detachements pour la coree fournis par l'armee luxembourgeoise au bataillon belge pour la coree. Ainsi, deux detachements sont partis successivement en asie pour s'y joindre aux forces des nations-unies. Ces detachements ont participe entre autres a la bataille de l'imjin et a la defense de la peninsule de,kimpo pendant la guerre de mouvement, ainsi qu'a la defense de la ligne principale de dofense des nations unies pendant la phase statique. Sur le plan politique, le gouvernement a du defendre son engagement en coree, notamment a la chambre des deputes ou les communistes n'ont cesse de l'attaquer. Le luxembourg a egalement suivi l'evolution de la question croeenne aux nations unies. Apres la conclusion de l'armistice, le luxembourg a participe a la conference de geneve qui devait trouver une issue pacifique a la crise coreenne.