L'opinion française et l'immigration sous la Vème République
Abstract EN:
Under the ve republic, the immigration has become an essential theme of the political debate. Analyzeed through many sources (press, polls, audiovisual, fiction, political speech, images), the attitude of the public opinion with regard to foreigners reveals the french mentality state of the second half of the century. Effect of the decolonisation, shock of the modernity, economic crisis, incoherences of the policy of immigration, european construction: the welcome of the migrants has aroused a collective passion around the sentiment of loss of the national identity. Ambient pessimism, placement in republican value doubt, decline of the patriotism have brought to present the theme of the immigration as a problem. A strong mediatisation since the begining of 80's under the impetus of the extreme-right has been the consequence. The immigration, perceived as an alone flow of working labors hardly ever concerned the french and concerned especially public authorities and the trusteeship until the 70's. In revenge, to leave from 80s, the french, better informed, more sensitive, give their opinion and act. In thirty years, the immigration has become a question of society; debates on the right of foreigner vote, the modification of the code of the nationality and more again on the port of the scarf to school confirm the problematical identity that ties in cloth of bottom. The totality of attitudes with regard to foreigners analyze upstream our period, first of all across them the event founders and symbolic that are "ratonnades" of 17 october 1961 to paris and days of may 1968 and on the other hand to the moment of the tragic fire of aubervilliers in january 1970, real first national debate on the immigration the sentiment of the french opinion has never been coherent: racist behaviors, testimonies of solidarity have confused in the current events, most odious acts against immigrants being able to live together of interdependent actions or positive cohabitation. Political and public forces illustrate this diversity and duality of behaviors. In the face of an extreme-right, openly hostile to the presence of foreigners, one has found a heterogeneous group of interdependent movements with regard to migrants: extreme-left, christians, associations, public celebrities. As for traditional parties, straight curator and communist and socialist left, they have adopted a perha
Abstract FR:
Sous la veme republique, l'immigration est devenu un theme essentiel du debat politique. Analysee a travers des sources multiples (presse, sondages, audiovisuel, fictions, discours politique, images), l'attitude de l'opinion publique a l'egard des etrangers revele l'etat des mentalites francaise de la seconde moitie du siecle. Effet de la decolonisation, choc de la modernite, crise economique, incoherences de la politique d'immigration, construction europeenne : l'accueil des migrants a suscite une passion collective autour du sentiment de perte de l'identite nationale. Pessimisme ambiant, mise en doute des valeurs republicaines, declin du patriotisme ont amene a presenter le theme de l'immigration comme un probleme. Une forte mediatisation depuis le debut des annees 80 sous l'impulsion de l'extreme-droite en a ete la consequence. L'immigration, percue comme un seul flux de main d'oeuvre ouvriere, n'interessait guere les francais et concernait surtout les pouvoirs publics et le patronat jusqu'au annees 70. En revanche, a partir des annees 80, les francais, mieux informes, plus sensibles, donnent leur opinion et agissent. En trente ans, l'immigration est devenue une question de societe ; les debats sur le droit de vote des etrangers, la modification du code de la nationalite et plus encore sur le port du foulard a l'ecole confirment la problematique identitaire qui se noue en toile de fond. L'ensemble des attitudes a l'egard des etrangers s'analyse en amont de notre periode a travers d'une part les evenements fondateurs et symboliques que sont les ratonnades du 17 octobre 1961 a paris et les journees de mai 1968 et d'autre part au moment de l'incendie tragique d'aubervilliers en janvier 1970, premier veritable debat national sur l'immigration. Le sentiment de l'opinion francaise n'a jamais ete coherent : comportements racistes, temoignages de solidarite se sont enchevetres dans l'actualite, les actes les plus odieux a l'encontre d'immigres pouvant cotoyer des actions solidaires ou des scenes positives de cohabitation inter-ethnique. Les forces publiques et politiques illustrent cette diversite et dualite des comportements. Face a une extreme-droite, ouvertement hostile a la presence d'etrangers, on a retrouve un groupe heterogene de mouvements solidaires a l'egard des migrants : extreme-gauche, chretiens, associations, personnages publics. Quant aux partis tr