
Recherches sur le personnel consulaire francais de 1715 a 1792. Essai de repertoire biographique et bibliographique

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1995



Paris, EPHE




Abstract EN:

The general introduction presents the consular institution of the eigtheenth century, the required conditions for carrying functions, the implantation of consular stations, career development (transfers, promotions, remuneration), the world of the consular and its specific chronology. - the main part of the research consists of six hundred and fifty biographical accounts concerning the consuls, vice-consuls and consulate chancellors, along with an indication of sources and a specific bibliography for each person. The dragomen have only been included in the case of their practicing in the chancellery of a consulate. The research provides genealogical charts underlining consular endogamy as well as with a second repertory of non-certified personnel that correspond to present day consular agents. - consular lists by station and specific sources for each station, the sources themselves and the general bibliography complete the prosopographic work. - the major part of this research comes from the examination of ae bi, ae biii, mar c7 and mar b7 series conserved at the national archives, of records connected to the files of the personnel of the "ancien regime" and conserved at the archives of the foreign office, at the

Abstract FR:

L'introduction generale presente l'institution consulaire au dixhuitieme siecle, les conditions necessaires a l'exercice des fonctions consulaires, l'implantation des postes, le deroulement de la carriere (mutations, avancement, remuneration), le milieu consulaire et une chronologie specifique a ce milieu. - le corps de la recherche est compose de six cent cinquante notices biographiques de consuls, viceconsuls et chanceliers de consulat avec l'indication des sources et de la bibliographie propores a chaque personne. Les drogmans ne sont retenus qu'en cas d'exercice de la chancellerie d'un consulat. Il est enrichi de tableaux genealogiques soulignant l'endogamie consulaire et d'un deuxieme repertoire du personnel non-brevete qui correspond aux agents consulaires actuels. - les listes consulaires par poste et des sources particulieres a chaque poste, les sources et la bibliographie generale completent le travail prosopographique. - ce travail de recherche a ete mene pour l'essentiel a partir du depouillement des series ae bi, ae biii, mar b7 et mar c7 conservees aux archives nationales, des registres relies des dossiers du personnel de l'ancien regime conserves au ministere des affaires etrangeres, des archives du depot des affaires etrangeres situe a nantes et des archives de la chambre de commerce de marseille.