
Sebastien stoskopff peintre de natures mortes (1597-1657)

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1995



Abstract EN:

Sebastien stoskopff : his life and work. His life has been situated in the different cultural and artistic contexts. His work is presented in a catalogue, and compared with the contemporary creation in germany, france, flander, holland, and italy. This threefold approach helps to show the artist's specific stylistic, as well as iconographic, characters.

Abstract FR:

Sebastien stoskopff : sa vie, son oeuvre. Sa vie a ete resituee dans les divers contextes culturels et artistiques. Son oeuvre est reconstituee dans un catalogue, mais egalement etudiee par rapport a la creation contemporaine en allemagne, france, flandre, hollande, et italie. Cette triple approche permet de mettre en evidence les particularites de l'artiste, tant du point de vue pictural que iconographique.