Le Maroc dans les relations internationales (1578-1603)
Paris 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The preliminary chapter deals with a period prior to that which concerns the main subject of our thesis in the hope of a better understanding. Religion, politics and economy were the main reasons that led europeans to conquer some countries in africa, america and india. Face to these invasions the muslim world became well organised under the power of the ottoman sultans and the saadians in order to protect lands of islam. When the saadian sultan moulay ahmed al mansour (1578-1603) came to power, the legitimacy of the ottoman khalifas was reviewed. This situation has led al mansour to expand his power over some countries in africa and has imposed some transformations at the administrative, social, agricultural, cultural and medical levels. At the international politico-military level, al mansour has had the ability to cope with the europeans and the ootomans and to stop the european colonial outlooks. At the economical level, the muslims have had an important role in the modernisation of economy at the end of the xvith century. Thus, moroccans have introduced money in the commercial interchanges in africa. Owing to the reconstruction of economy, the administrative reforms of the chancellery, al mansour brought a peaceful stability to morocco. Unfortunately, works undertaken by al mansour were not followed after this death.
Abstract FR:
Le chapitre preliminaire trace un apercu de la periode anterieure a celle qui est l'objet de notre etude afin de mieux la comprendre. La religion, la politique et l'economie ont ete les trois moteurs qui ont anime les europeens a coloniser des pays en afrique, en amerique et en inde. Face a eux, le monde musulman s'est organise sous le pouvoir des sultans ottomans et saadiens pour proteger la terre d'islam. Avec l'arrivee au pouvoir du sultan saadien moulay ahmed al mansour (1578-1603), la legitimite de la khilafa des ottomans est remise en question. Cette situation a incite al mansour a etendre son pouvoir sur une partie du continent africain et il a impose a ces peuples des reformes d'ordre administratif, social, agricole, culturel et medical. Au plan politico-militaire international, al mansour a eu l'habilite de menager les europeens et les ottomans et d'arreter les visees coloniales europeennes. Au plan economique, les musulmans ont joue un role fondamental dans la transformation economiques a la fin de xvieme siecle. En effet, les marocains ont introduit l'usage de la monnaie dans les echanges commerciaux en afrique. Grace a la reconstruction de l'economie, a la reorganisation de l'administration et de la chancellerie, al mansour a donne au maroc la stabilite, la prosperite et la paix sociale. Malheureusement, l'oeuvre entreprise par al mansour n'a pas eu de suite.