
Lexique et technique du moulin a vent destine a la mouture du ble selon les comptes flamands des quatorzieme et quinzieme siecles

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1990



Lille 3




Abstract EN:

Flanders has played a primary part in the spread of the postmill. Born in northwestern europe, it had its main evolution in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuty. It is the period that the trestle, which until then was often a construction under or level with the ground, is built on piers, that the body gets its present dimensions, that the sloping and broken front of the cap appears at the windy side, that the millstone floor covers the whole surface of the body, that the whips mounted in juxtaposition take the place of the scarfed whips, that the wings might have acquired helical curve, that the lip-brake is replaced by the flemish brake. Some "primitive" parts will take more time to disappear : additional reinforcing quarterbars, an opening in the windy side to drain rainwater, symmetric wings, etc. Since the fourteenth century, flanders has also known the tower mill, whose cap can be oriented by means of a tailpole and rests upon elm rollers. At the end of the thesis a french and flemish lexicon can be found.

Abstract FR:

La flandre a joue un role primordial dans la propagation du moulin a vent sur pivot. Ne dans l'europe du nord-ouest, celui-ci a surtout evolue aux quatorzieme et quinzieme siecles. C'est a cette epoque que le socle, qui etait encore souvent enterre ou place a meme le sol, se pose sur des piliers, que la cage atteint ses dimensions actuelles, que du cote de la facade du vent la croupe brisee fait fait son apparition, que le grenier aux meules s'etend sur toute la surface de la cage, que les vergues entees cedent la place aux vergues juxtaposees, que les volants acquierent peut-etre leur courbure helicoidale, que le frein flamand se substitue au frein "a levre". Certains elements "primitifs" mettront plus longtemps a disparaitre : faux-liens du socle, ouverture dans la facade du vent pour l'elimination des eaux de pluie, vergues symetriques, etc. Des le quatorzieme sicle, la flandre a egalement connu le moulin-tour dont la calotte, orientable au moyen d'une queue, repose sur des rouleaux en bois d'orme. La these est suivie d'un lexique francais et flamand.