Le messianisme polonais selon les cours d'adam mickiewicz au college de france entre 1840 et 1844
Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008)Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Polish messianism is a religious and political movement which has developped after the fall of the polish state, the rzeczpospolita, in 1795. The unsuccessful november 1830 rebellion urged a great number of poles to leave their country. With "the great emigration", messianism left poland. In the xixth century, poland did not exist as a state; it was in fact divided into three parts by the neighbouring countries. The catholic, cultural and political tradition of the poles, their strong sense of national identity and their critical situation have led them to seek the reconstruction of their lost country. Added to the rebuilding of poland, the messianistic theory points out that poland has a special role to play among the european nations. Poets, with adam mickiewicz (1798-1855)as their leader, have idealized the history of their homeland and have compared its sufferings with those of jesus-christ. After a few years of exile, mickiewicz obtained in 1840 the chair of slavish languages and literatures in paris at the college de france. Influenced by the theosopher andre towianski (1799-1878), the poet-professor turned his teachings towards complex mystical topics. "l'oeuvre de dieu", the organisation created by towianski grouped numerous adepts. Ideas of brotherhood and christian principles were at the heart of this movement. The theory and practice of messianism were thus supposed to come to life. Difficult to realize and often misunderstood by the mass of the exiles, messianism ended up dividing the emigration. Mickiewicz was one of the main figures of polish messianism; these ideas can be found in his literary work as well as in his daily life. In this thesis, we analyse mickiewicz's messianistic theories as he taught them at the college de france between 1840 and 1844. We also examine the historical, literary, religious, philosophical and psychological aspects of the polish messianism. Messianism has had a profound influence on the polish culture and is still alive today.
Abstract FR:
Le messianisme polonais est un courant de pensee religieuse et politique qui s'est developpe apres la chute de l'etat polonais (rzeczpolpolita) en 1795. Apres la debacle de l'insurrection de novembre 1830 cette pensee fut transplantee par la "grande emigration" polonaise a l'etranger. L'idee du messianisme contient la conviction d'une mission particuliere de la pologne parmi les nations europeennes. La pologne n'existait pas en tant qu'etat, elle etait divisee en trois parties par les pays voisins. La tradition catholique, culturelle et politique des polonais, leur forte identite nationale et la gravite de leur situation les ont pousses vers la recherche de leur patrie perdue. Les poetes, avec adam mickiewicz en tete (1798-1855), ont idealise l'histoire de leur pays et ont compare la souffrance de la pologne avec celle de jesus-christ. Mickiewicz, apres plusieurs annees d'exil, a obtenu, en 1840, la chaire de langue et de litterature slaves au college de france. Mickiewicz influence par le theosophe andre towianski, (1799-1878) a tourne son enseignement vers les sujets mystiques complexes. Towianski a cree un cercle d'adeptes, une organisation, "l'oeuvre de dieu". La fraternite et les principes chretiens etaient a la base de ce mouvement. Ainsi devait se realiser en theorie et en pratique l'idee du messianisme polonais. Le programme de ce messianisme difficilement realisable et souvent mal compris par la masse d'exiles a provoque la scission au sein de l'emigration. Mickiewicz a ete un des moteurs du messianisme polonais. Il a temoigne de cette idee dans ses oeuvres litteraires et sa vie. Dans notre these nous examinons particulierement la theorie de mickiewicz sur le messianisme polonais enseigne au college de france entre 1840 et 1844. Neanmoins, nous examinons ce sujet de maniere plus large encore, en essayant d'approfondir son mystere dans ses aspects historique, litteraire, religieux, philosophique et psychologique. L'idee du messianisme polonais a son influence incontestable sur la culture polonaise jusqu'a nos jours.