Evolution et permanence dans la question scolaire (1975-1984)
Lille 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The law of december 31st, 1959, dealing with relations between the state and public schools, even when modified by the law of june 1st, 1971, has not put an end to the question concerning schools and the school system. Followers of the public school system, mainly catholic, judge it as being incomplete whereas the laity remain fiathful to their doctrine "state money for state scholls, private funds for public schools". M. Giscard d'estaing in 1974 and m. Mitterrand in 1981, like their predecessors, want to solve the problem once and for all. The determination to change and develop french society, and also the setting up of a reform of the education system as a whole for one and electoral commitments for the other offer the possibility for the reexamination of relations between the state and the public schools. By using traditional arguments, the different groups put prssure on the state and the political parties which agree with them to defend their position. This debate is shaken by new and different types of behaviour : the demand for school success from the parents, moderate behaviour of the french bishops, evolution of some of the socialists, a certain anti-clericalism from the right. . . After a crisi which ends in 1984 with the resignation of the government the socialist implements a real cultural
Abstract FR:
La loi du 31 decembre 1959 sur les rapports entre l'etat et les etablissements d'enseignement prives, meme modifiee par la loi du 1er juin 1971, n'a pas mis un terme a la question scolaire. Les partisans de l'ecole privee, essentiellement catholique, la jugent incomplete, tandis que les laiques restent fideles a leur slogan "a l'ecole publique fonds publics, a l'ecole privee fonds prives". Comme leurs predecesseurs a la presidence de la republique, mm. Giscard d'estaing en 1974, mitterrand en 1981, ont l'ambition de regler defintivement le probleme. La volonte de faire evoluer la societe francaise, mais aussi une reforme de l'ensemble du systeme educatif pour l'un, des engagements electoraux pour l'autre, sont l'occasion de revoir les rapports entre l'etat et les etablissements d'enseignement prives. Utilisant des arguments traditionnels, les differents groupes font pression sur le pouvoir et les partis qui leur sont favorables pour obtenir gain de cause. Ce debat est cependant bouleverse par des comportements nouveaux : l'exigence de reussite scolaire de la part des parents, la moderation de la hierarchie catholique, l'evolution d'une partie des socialistes, un certain anticlericalisme de droite. . . Apres une crise qui aboutit en 1984, a la demission du gouvernement, les socialistes operent une veritable revolution culturelle reconnaissant la liberte scolaire subventionnee.