
L'asile sous la monarchie de juillet : les refugies etrangers en france de 1830 a 1848

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1995



Paris, EHESS



Abstract EN:

The period from 1830 to 1848 marks a turning point in the history of asylum in france. For the first time a policy of reception was really established. The reasons for exile for more than 20 000 people, their number, their social composition, their geographical distributi and the movements of solidarity that met them are studied. It has appeared important to take up the theme of state control of the french society at this time. By doing so it becom clear that far from being a right or a political action asylum was first of all considered an act of charity. A right wo a legal or almost legal definition in order to determine what was covered and what was not. And the refugees did not constitute one category but several categories where the criteria taken into consideration were above all appearances an fame. Finally, we have shown how the absence of a legal definition of the word "refugee", as well as of the word "foreigner", allowed the "integration" of these people into france.

Abstract FR:

La periode qui s'etend de 1830 a 1848 marque un tournant dans l'histoire de l'asile en france. Pour la premiere fois, un politique d'accueil est veritablement mise en place. Les raisons de l'exil de plus de 20 000 personnes, leur effectif, l qualite sociale, leur repartition geographique, les mouvements de solidarite qu'elles rencontrent, sont etudies. Il a paru important d'aborder le theme de l'etatisation de la societe francaise a cette epoque, ce qui permet de voir qu d'etre un droit et un acte politique, l'asile est avant tout percu comme une bienfaisance. Le droit implique une definit juridique ou quasi-juridique afin de determiner l'appartenance ou la non-appartenance. Or, les refugies ne forment pas u categorie mais des categories ou les criteres pris en consideration sont surtout l'apparence et la notoriete. Nous avons determine enfin en quoi cette absence de definition juridique du mot "refugie", tout comme de l'etranger, permet l'"integration" de ces personnes en france.