
Ler mosaïques des thermes d'Ain Dourra, Dougga, Tunisie

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1987



Paris 4



Abstract EN:

The baths of ain doura are in reality made of symetricals baths and a neighbour house with peaty wall which has direct access with those baths. To carry out this study it was focused on architecture and decoration of each one, first for the baths and then for the house. The decoration are specially in mosaics and a wall painting. The mosaics of the house are in there mojority a geometrical and floral mosaics. There are one iconographic mosaic in the impluvium of the house representing the navigation of eros and psyche. This mosaic is unique. The house has a directly relations with those baths. The entity who ordered these buildings wanted surely to establish a connections between the house and the baths. The house is a house with atrium. The mosaic of eros and psyche seems to allow indicate the nature of the house. The bath's atrium might have lodged a brothethood whose religious or intellectual, probably refers back to the mosaic of eros and psyche. This atrium of bath's was probably built firstly in the begening of the third century of our era, than it was refected in the end of the fourth century of our era.

Abstract FR:

Les thermes d'ain doura sont en realite des thermes symetriques avec une maison mitoyenne qui a des acces directes avec les thermes. La premiere partie est consa cree a l'etude de l'architecture et du decor des thermes. La deuxieme partie s'est aussi interessee a l'architecture puis au decor de la maison. Le decor est constitue essentiellement de mosaiques geometriques ou florales. La mosaique iconographique represente la navigation d'eros et psyche. C'est une mosaique unique en son genre. La maison d'eros et psyche qui a une relation directe avec les thermes possede un atrium dont l'impluvium est pave de la mosaique d'eros et psyche. Les commanditaires de ce batiment ont certainement voulu etablir un atrium des thermes. La mosaique d'eros et psyche semble indiquer la nature du lieu. L'atrium des thermes a certainement heberge une confrerie religieuse ou intellectuelle qui se refere a la mosaique d'eros et psyche. Cet atrium des thermes a ete constuit au debut du troisieme siecle de notre ere puis refait a la fin du quatrieme siecle de notre ere.