
Syndicalisme et nationalisme au Maroc (1952-1963)

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1992



Toulouse 2




Abstract EN:

Under the protectorate, morocco underwent very important social and economic changes. The consequence of these transformations,is the creation and the increasing role of the proletariat. Nevertheless the protectorate and the employers were opposed to the promulgation of this trade-union right. Although moroccan workers became members of the french trade unions, the colonial system has favoured and stimuled a real racial segregation. Between europeans and moroccans; from 1942 to 1956 the traditional elite of morocco developed rapidly. The great changes encouraged the nationalist elite to claim strongly for the independance of morocco. So we have to emphasize that the evolution of the moroccan society accounts for the apparence of new questions in the nationalist idelogy, such as the problems between labour and trade-unions. The conjoncture of several factors has enbled the creation of the trade-union unit around the moroccan union of work and the explosion of the nationalist mouvement. According to the nationalist ideology, the fight for independant. Ce necessited the union of the political powers against the french colonialism. After the independance, problems and contradictions arose in broad day. The conflicts between the u. M. T. And the political parties testify this.

Abstract FR:

Sous le protectorat, le maroc subit des transformations socio-economiques tres importantes. La consequence de cette mutation fut la formation et l'accroissement spectaculaire du proletariat. Mais, la residence generale et le patronat s'opposaient a la promulgation du droit syndical. Malgre "l'adhesion des marocains dans les syndicats francais, le systeme colonial avait favorise et meme encourage une veritable segregation entre europeens et marocains. La periode qui s'etend de 1942 a 1956 se distingue par l'evolution rapide de l'elite traditionnelle au maroc. Les grands changements allaient encourager l'elite nationaliste a. Revendiquer hautement l'independance du maroc. Aussi convient-il de preciser que l'evolution de la societe marocaine explique l'apparition des themes nouveaux dans l'ideologie nationaliste, tels que les problemes ouvriers et syndicaux. La conjoncture de plusieurs facteurs avait permis de realiser l'unite syndicale autour de l'union marocaine du travail ainsi que l'explosion du mouvement national. Le combat pour l'independance avait necessite, selon l'ideologie nationaliste, l'union de toutes les forces politiques contre le colonialisme francais. Apres l'independance, les problemes et les contradictions surgissaient en plein jour, comme en temoignent, les conflits entre l'u. M. T. Et les partis politiques marocains.