Economie et societe dans le bassin decazevillois de la fin de la premiere guerre mondiale a 1950
Toulouse 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The basin of decazeville was at its peak on the eve of the first world war. Dominated by industrial groups of a national, even international dimension, it suffered from the dramatic socio-economic changes of the 1920s. Since it was anxious to preserve both its profits and its means of action on a medium term basis, an in the total absence of any local development strateay, employers were not in a position to counteract the regressive tendencies accentuated by the depression. The continuously remodeled social structure for a while masked the signs of this decline. Massive immigration, which in a few years changed the face of the local working class, brought new dynamic elements to the "black country" of the aveyron. The disappearance of the iron and steeworkers, the rapid integration of a large number of foreigners and the preponderance of the mining industry, fashioned a collective identity in those difficult times wich was to last right up to the 1960s. Directed concorned by these changes, the workers movement was, through its trade unions and througt the progress of the revolutionary trend, the essential vector of this new identity. In defining ale their actions in function of union strategy and national policy the local workers organisations managed to enlarge the conceptual horizon of the population of the basin, but these some organisations brought ne coherent answer to the economic decline and to the weaknesses in the workers movement, inspite of the activities of prominent personalities and wignuy respected militants.
Abstract FR:
Le bassin de decazeville connut son adogee a la veille du premier conflit mondial. Domine par des groupes industriels, de dimension nationale voire internationale, il souffrit des bouleversements socio-economiques des annees 1920. Soucieux de preserver a moyen terme ses profits et ses moyens d'action et en l'absence de toute strategie de developpement local, le patronat ne put contrecarrer les tendances regressives amplifiees par "la grande crise". Sans cesse remodelee, les structures sociales masquerent un temps l'evidence de ce declin, car l'immigration massive qui recomposa en quelques annees la classe ouvriere locale, donna au pays noir aveyronnais de nouveaux elements de dynamisme. La disparition du groupe social des metallurgistes, la rapide integration d'une partie importante des etrangers et la preponderance de l'activite miniere faconnerent, en ces temps difficiles, une identite collective qui perdura jusqu'aux annees 1960. Directement concerne par ces evolutions le mouvement ouvrier fut, par l'intermediaire de son pole syndical et par les progres du courant revolutionnaire, le vecteur essentiel de cette identite nouvelle. En definissant toutes leurs actions en fonction des strategies syndicales et politiques nationales, les organisations ouvrieres locales parvinrent a elargir l'horizon conceptuel des populations du bassin, mais elles n'apporterent aucune reponse coherente au declin economique et aux faiblesses du mouvement ouvrier, en depit de l'action de personnalites et militants de grande valeur.