
Structures et mutations économiques et sociales au Tafilalt (XVII-XVIIIè s) : le poids des relations avec l'Afrique noire (Bilad-es-Sudan)

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1990



Toulouse 2




Abstract EN:

This study has been devoted to the attempt of reconstitution of tafilalt's (south-eastern morocco) socio-political system recalling the alternations of prosperity and decay which had been its destiny ; the exchanges with the "maghreb" and black africa became evident as determinant factors of the economic dynamics. The state of war, and perpetual struggles between the populations (mountain-dwellers, nomades and sedentary people) experienced by the region, later on in the 17th and 18th centuries, was unfavourable to an economic recovery.

Abstract FR:

Cette etude a ete consacree a l'essai de reconstitution du systeme socio-politique de tafilalt (sud-est marocain) rappelant les alternances de prosperite et de decadence qui furent sa destinee ; les echanges avec le maghreb et l'afrique noire apparaissent comme elements determinants des dynamiques economiques. L'etat de guerre et de luttes perpetuelles entre les populations (montagnards, nomades et sedentaires) qu'a connu la region par la suite au xvii et xviiieme siecle, n'etait guere favorable a un relevement economique.