Race, prehistoire et antiquite en allemagne : 1933-1945
Paris 7Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The subject of this study in history of mentalities turns more particularly on the history of scientific myths. It has been realized mostly through the analysis of scientific and popular literature issued in germany between 1933 and 1945. The aim of the study is proving the seizure by national-socialism of the sciences of antiquity. To this end, we have dealt successively whit: the establishement of racial science (rassenkunde); racial history (rassengeschichte) in national-socialist teaching of prehistoric and classical antiquity; various topics characteristic of nazi representation of antiquity. It follows that, through a real "national-socialist science" never existed, a "national-socialist scientific system" has actually settled down, and that this adulteration of history was a "collective work", to which the regime had a shre, as well as most of the community of german scientist and teachers.
Abstract FR:
Ce travail en histoire des mentalites porte notamment sur l'histoire des mythes scientifiques, il a ete realise surtout grace a l'analyse de la litterature scientifique et de vulgarisation parue entre 1933 et 1945 en allemagne. Son but etait de montrer la main-mise du national-socialisme sur les sciences de l'antiquite. Pour cela ont ete traites, dans l'ordre : la mise en place des sciences humaines raciales (rassenkunde); l'histoire raciale (rassengeschichte) dans l'enseignement national-socialiste des antiquites prehistoriques et classiques; les differents themes caracterisent la representation national-socialiste de l'antiquite. Il en ressort que, s'il n'y a jamais eu de "science national-socialiste", il s'etait bel et bien mis en place un "systeme scientifique national-socialiste", et que ce systeme de detournement de l'histoire etait une "oeuvre collective", a laquelle participait le regime, ainsi qu'une bonne partie de la corporation scientifique et professorale allemande.