
Jacob matham (1571-1631) graveur-editeur a haarlem un maitre du burin et son oeuvre dessine

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1997



Abstract EN:

Hendrick goltzius's adoptive son and loyal disciple, jacob matham (1571-1631) engraved and published prints and was also a draughtsman. His engravings are exclusively after drawings by goltzius until time of the latter's departure for italy, when matham engraved compositions by cornelis. C. V. H. And k. V. Mander. In the spring of 1593, matham went to italy, where he remains three years. The majority of his works dating to that period are after venetian and roman catholic masters. His return to haarlem in 1597 marks the beginning of his mature period. As of 1598, he appears to have taken over the direction of goltzius's workshop. In 1600 he was member of the guild of st luke of which he became dean in 1605. From 1600 he diversified his graphic output to include compositions by compatriots like p. Aertsen, bloemaert and vinckboons, as well as italian decor's by cavalier d'arpino and zuccaro, or works by artists in the new baroque spirit, like moreelse and rubens. A number of jacob math am's disciples, such as his three own sons or c. Braeu, g. V. Breen, g. Gauw, p. Soutman or jan van de velde ii, came through is workshop. Throughout his career, he engraved numerous portraits and maintained contacts with fraternities and municipal authorities. His graphic oeuvre is considerable (the new catalogue is limited to 350 entries) and reflects the different artistic tendencies that colour the dawn of the 17th century : mannerism, naturalism and the baroque. The brightly new aspect of this dissertation is a comprehensive and extended catalogue of jacob matham drawings, introduced by a general overlook of his drawn production : 73 drawings signed and dated and secure attributions, 12 attributions, 12 doubtful attributions, 43 rejected drawings, completed by 14 drawings by his own sons, a list all other excluded drawings and an illustrated list in iconographic order of the engravings after matham's inventions and transcriptions suggesting a drawing by jacob matham.

Abstract FR:

Fils adoptif et fidele disciple du celebre graveur-editeur, dessinateur et peintre hendrick goltzius (1558-1617) etabli a haarlem, jacob matham (haarlem, 1571-1631) se rend trois ans en italie durant lesquels il grave d'apres les maitres manieristes venitiens et romains. Son retour a haarlem en 1597 coincide avec l'amorce de sa periode de maturite : des 1598, il prend la succession de l'atelier de goltzius qui s'oriente vers la peinture. En 1600, jacob matham est membre de la gilde de saint luc puis doyen en 1605. Avant son retour d'italie, matham grave surtout d'apres golzius, auxquelles s'ajoutent quelques pieces d'apres cornelis c. V. H. Et k. V. Mander. Des 1600, il diversifie sa production et diffuse des compositions de ses compatriotes dont p. Aertsen,a bloemaert ou p. De ryck, des decores italiens du cavalier d'arpin et des freres zuccari ou des oeuvres annoncant les nouvelles tendances du baroque de p. Moreelse ou p. P. Rubens dont il est l'un des premiers graveurs. Parmi les discipes de j. Matham, outre ses propres trois fils, on compte c. Braeu, g. Gauw, w. Swanenburg,p. Soutman et jan van de velde ii. A la suite d'une presentation du contexte historique, des donnees biographiques et du profil de sa carriere, cette etude se propose d'offrir, dans le cadre du projet hollstein, une revision du catalogue des gravures (en fait 350 numeros) refletant les tendances du debut du xviie siecle : manierisme, naturalisme et baroque. L'apport majeur de cette these est l'elaboration du catalogue des dessins de jacob matham, un aspect totalement meconnu de son oeuvre. En guise d'introduction au catalogue raisonne, une synthese presente les differents aspects de l'oeuvre dessine qui se structure comme suit : 73 dessins signes et dates et attributions certaines, 12 attributions, 12 attributions problematiques 43 dessins rejetes, 14 dessins des fils et une liste de dessins exclus, perception completee par les gravures d'apres des conceptions de jacob matham.