Femmes et militantisme : Saint-Nazaire et sa région, 1930-1980
Paris 7Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
L etude privilegie les associations groupant surtout des femmes non salariees : comite mondial des femmes puis association populaire des familles (influence catholique) et union des femmes francaises (influence communiste) apres 1945. Les annees 1930-1965 ne presentent pas de rupture fondamentale : la femme menagere reste un ideal, la participation a la vie politique demeure faible malgre la resistance et le droit de vote; les femmes sont sollicites, conformement a leur image traditionnelle, comme forces de paix. Toutefois, elles s inserent ainsi dans une forme de politisation large, et la creation de nouvelles associations facilite leur organisation. Favorisent le developpement d une sociabilite politique, le tissu associatif joue un role primordial a l egard des non-salariees: sans pour autant remettre en cause les roles, il permet l integration des femmes au mouvement ouvrier, en lui exprimant leur solidarite ou en situant leurs propres luttes dans ce contexte. De 1965 a 1980, les ruptures s operent selon deux axes essentiels: l essor du travail salarie feminin et la mise en avant de revendications concernant plus les femmes que les familles choix de classe et laicisation globale des associations n empechent pas la reproduction de clivages herites du passe mais temperes par une periode d actions unitaires regroupant organisations traditionnelles du mouvement ouvrier, associations de femmes et groupes feministes. De 1930 a 1980, militantismes masculins et feminins se definissent en fonction des rapports de sexes. En ce sens, le mode de militantisme des femmes presente des difficultes et des aspects particuliers.
Abstract FR:
The study gives the preference to the associations the membeers of which are mainly non-working women: women world committee, then family popular association (catholic) and french women union (communist) after 1945. The years 1930-1965 present no fundamental ruptures: the house wife remains an ideal, the participation to political life is still poor, women are sollicitated, according to their traditional image, as a peace force. Howewer, this way, they insert themselves into a form of wide politization, and the creation of new associations implies their organization. Facillating the development of a political sociability, the associationist tissue plays a preminent role as regards non-working women: without, anayway, questionning the roles, it allows the women integration into the workers movement, by expressing their solidarity with it or by locating their own struggles in that context. From 1965 through 1980, the ruptures occur according to two essential axis: the development of female wage-carning work and the putting forward of reinvidications concerning moe women than famlies. Class choice and global laicization of associations o not prevent the reproduction of cleavages from the past but tempered by a period of united actions grouping organiztions of working movement, women's associations and feminist groups. From 1930 through 1980, male and female miltantisms define themselves according to sexrelations. That way, women's way of militantism present particular difficulties and aspects.